Contextual translation of "föderalistische" into English. +32 2 6269501. We are Europe Citizens' Agora Application to participate in the We are Europe Academy 851 02 Bratislava, European Union Organization Banat in Romania promotes communication between the Romania and European Union, from the perspective of the country joining the EU. Europafedralisterna +32 496 305 912. Menü Willkommen; Verein; Aktivitäten; Kontakt; Willkommen . Evropski federalisti - UEF Serbia ", "Dass Europa wieder eine industrielle Führungsrolle übernehmen kann, ist wichtig für Arbeitsplätze bei uns, für den Stellenwert unserer Werte auf der Welt, und etwa auch dafür, dass es der Menschheit gelingt, dem Klimawandel zu begegnen. It actively organizes seminars, conducts studies and researches on European integration and other European issues. März 2021 Wir freuen uns über diesen Appell der Union der Europäischen Föderalisten und der Spinelli-Gruppe, der nach der Unterzeichnung der drei Präsidenten zur Eröffnung der Konferenz über die Weiterlesen…, 08 March, 2021International Women’s Day will celebrate the Founding Mothers of Europe Brussels, 8 March 2021 Gender equality is a core principle of the European Union; a lot has been done to put it in Weiterlesen…, Heute, am 15. August 2018 – November 2019. - Giving lectures in schools and universities on the role of Europe in the world, on European citizenship, on European governance, and on new global challenges such as the environment, energy, common security policy, etc. UEF Greece-ΕΕνΟΕ ( Ελληνική Ένωση για την Ομοσπονδία της Ευρώπης) It is also member of World Federalist Movement (WFM). Die Union Europäischer Föderalisten (UEF) ist eine überparteiliche und überkonfessionelle internationale Organisation. Sophienstraße 28/29 We would like to invite everybody who is interested in for the topic and would like to know more about us too! UEF CYPRUS CH - 3000 Berne 22. Europäische Föderalistische Bewegung Österreich Únia Európskych Federalistov founded in 2013, is independent from political parties. Open menu. Federal Union is the UK member section of the UEF and the WFM, and its young members take part in the activities of JEF. ", ANKÜNDIGUNG EINER ONLINE VERANSTALTUNG am 20.April 2021, 19:00 bis 21:00 Uhr mit unserer Vizepräsidentin EVA LICHTENBERGER Buchpräsentation und Gespräch  |  Haus der Begegnung  |  Teilen  Teilen  +ONLINE Veranstaltung+ Anfang des 20. UEF Serbia was established on May 2, 2009 and was unanimously accepted as full member of the UEF on October 30, 2010 during the UEF Federal Committee meeting in Brussels. Since 2011 he has also become the Vice-President of the Union of European Federalists. +389 71 305 030 EN. CP 481 Neben unseren Landesverbänden und der Jugendorganisation Junge Europäische Föderalisten (JEF) sind wir mit Partnerorganisationen in über 30 Ländern Europas vernetzt. Die Europäische Föderalistische Bewegung wurde 1946 von visionären Europäerinnen und Europäern als streng überparteiliche und überkonfessionelle proeuropäische Organisation gegründet. Als europäischer Föderalismus wird ein politisches Konzept bezeichnet, das den Ausbau der Europäischen Union mit dem Ziel der Errichtung eines föderalen europäischen Bundesstaates anstrebt. For an always updated list of the many activities brought forward by our members please refer to (in Italian) and to their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Since 2009, Andrey Kovatchev MEP is the president of the UEF Bulgaria. UEF-Präsident Sandro GOZI: Wir müssen das Potenzial der Konferenz über die Zukunft Europas – Kein CoFoE-Licht – voll ausschöpfen. Wir engagieren uns seit über 60 Jahren für Europa und haben große Schritte zu einem vereinten Europa mitgestaltet. c/o UEF European Secretariat Ulrike Lunacek: Staatssekretärin im BM für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport (Die Grünen). Through seminars, debates, discussions and international conferences Union of European Federalists in Bulgaria aims to familiarize citizens with the idea of European federation. Aus 27 Teilnehmern wurden diese Projekte ausgewählt. It is based on general principles and aims of the UEF. Paul Dejaer 1060, Bruxelles, Belgium The new organisation is organising a large public event with national political personalities on 14-15 December in Skopje. As a part of a pan-European federalist civil movement and as a cross-parties association, UEF Hungary brings together those Hungarian and European citizens who are ready to strive for building up a federal Europe. Dieses Verständnis der europäischen Integration prägte nicht nur die föderalistische Bewegung und die politische Praxis der hohen Behörde unter Jean Monnet, sondern auch die integrationstheoretische Perspektive des prozeduralen Föderalismus (Friedrich 1968) und Neo-Funktionalismus (Haas 1958, 1964). UEF Spain Suggest as a translation of "föderalistische Bewegung" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. Its main goal is to advance the federalist agenda and promote pro-European debate in Lithuania. 10 Narodno Sabranie Sq., About Nebs/Nomes International federalist organisations. If your section does not appear in the list, you can also become a member at the European level. Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. The Cyprus European Federalist Movement was founded in 2004, is independent from political parties and follows its targets with full independence. The Union of European Federalists in the Czech Republic organizes regular sessions in the Senate - upper chamber of the Czech Parliament - with personalities of the political and economic spheres in the country. “I hereby authorise the organisation to store, process and use the information provided in this form for the purposes of the meetings and other future activities of the … Slovakia 2018 wurde das Karl-Brunner-Europahaus und Schloss Forchtenstein von der bisherigen Eigentümerin, der Europäische Föderalistische Bewegung Steiermark (EFBÖ – Landesverband Steiermark), ohne Gegenleistung an die EYFON Stiftung übertragen. Wir sind eine überparteiliche und überkonfessionelle Bewegung, die seit dem 16. The main goal of UEF Hungary is to stimulate the debate on major issues and challenges related to an ever closer European integration through conferences, seminars, training programs. The Federal Union’s activities concern the continuation of relationships with international organisations promoting Federalism and good governance, including the Union of European Federalists (UEF) and the World Federalist Movement (WFM). Listen now. New European Movement Switzerland (Neue Europäische Bewegung Schweiz – Nebs / Nouveau movement européen Suisse – Nomes) is an independent political organization committed to obtain the vote in Europe for European Swiss citizens, to be able to participate in the decision making process of European Union, which affects all the European citizens. СЪЮЗ НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКИТЕ ФЕДЕРАЛИСТИ БЪЛГАРИЯ Our Slovenian section is currently inactive. c/o European Movement in Finland Die Union muss entscheidungskräftig werden. Zapraszamy stowarzyszenia, fundacje oraz wszystkich, którzy pracują w szeroko rozumianej tematyce europejskiej do przyłączenia się do tej inicjatywy i kontakt pod adresem to bring the interest of ordinary citizens to EU affairs and their fundaments in order to understand common European principles and interests; to make Europe act in the Global policies; to establish the European Ministry of Finance as an essential point to avoid the next crisis in any Eurozone Member State without necessity of changing Treaties; to establish one executive head of the European Union; make the European sustainable political space via promoting Transnational election's lists of candidates to the European Parliament, media etc. I – 27100 Pavia Unser Ziel ist ein Europa, das demokratischer und föderalistisch, d.h. bundestaatlich ist. Mito Hadzivasilev-Jasmin 161/16, Europäische Föderalistische Bewegung Österreich Die Union Europäischer Föderalisten (UEF) ist eine überparteiliche und überkonfessionelle internationale Organisation. The Rhone-Alpes section organizes a “Fall Academy” with regional politicians , academics and representatives of civic society. UEF Europe Group brings together parliamentarians, civil servants, interns, and other officers and staff members of the institutions and bodies of the European Union. In November 2013, at the UEF European Congress in Berlin, UEF - Spain was recognised as a full member. Josef Muchitsch UEF Belgium's main activities are: Square de Meeûs 25, Belgium Für die Europäischen Föderalisten spielt die Zivilgesellschaft eine entscheidende Rolle. Europäische Föderalistische Bewegung (EFB) MEP Dr. Othmar Karas: Bürgerforum Europa, ÖVP: Mag. Subsidies aiming at leveraging private investment for the conversion of industrial sectors affected by automation, digitalisation and globalisation, such as the banking and financial services sectors, car manufacturing, transport services, etc. Europaweit in nationalen Organisationen aktiv, vereint die UEF 30.000 Mitglieder, Bürgerinnen und Bürger, Politikerinnen und Politiker, Expertinnen und Experten unterschiedlicher Generationen. Die EFB ist der österreichische Zweig der Union Europäischer Föderalisten (UEF) und gemeinsam mit ihrem Jugendverband Junge Europäische Föderalisten (JEF) Mitglied in der Europäischen Bewegung Österreich (EBÖ). België / U.E.F. +33/0 472 07 88 88. Únia európskych federalistov The Union of Europeanists and Federalists of Spain (UEF - Spain) is a non-partisan political association that seeks to progressively engage citizens in Spain in the work for a European and World Federation, an authentic key to achieving the utopia of a humanity living without the threat of poverty and war. Sarajevska 40/55 encourage and inform the public on Federalism and its applicability in European context; foster debate and discussion on the standing of Portugal within the European Union; promote awareness about European matters, European ideals and values, the history of European integration, and to introduce to the public opinion the prospect of European-wide federalist policies and solutions; cooperate with other non-profit organizations, related to the field of European matters, in Portugal and in Europe. (hosted on details, including IP, backlinks, redirect information, and reverse IP shared hosting data Die EFB ist eine der größten Bürgerinitiative für Europa in Österreich. Freedom of the Media in Hungary . Sofia Tel: +358 40 750 1610. UEF Hungary was established in 2013. +359 2 987 22 85. UEF Portugal has recently relaunched ae status as a new section of the Union of European Federalists. F-69001 Lyon UEF Spain is also a member of the World Federalist Movement (WFM), as we believe that international intergovernmental organisations are not enough to ensure peace and cooperation between sovereign states. 11000 Beograd, Wir hoffen, dass unsere Arbeit einen positiven Beitrag zu einem friedlichen, sicheren und geeinten europäischen Kontinent leistet. Information about the section will be added soon! Each regional section of UEF France has its own agenda of activities ranging from public meetings to special information and educational initiatives. 81 000 Podgorica, Translator. Unie evropských federalistů v ČR - Strengthening the section from both a political and organisational point of view at local level; to inform the Lithuanian society about the ideas of European federalism and the importance of united Europe; to participate and induce discussions on the place and role of Lithuania in EU; to spread written and verbal information related to its activities; to promote values, objectives and tasks of UEF Lithuania; to organize meetings, trainings, seminars, conferences, public actions and other kind of events; to publish periodical and/or occasional papers related to the relevant topics of UEF Lithuania; to provide policy suggestions for institutions and organizations, which deal with issues relevant to the promotion of European federalism; to represent members of UEF Lithuania and cooperate with national and international organizations, which share similar ideas and objectives. EUROPÄISCHE FÖDERALISTISCHE BEWEGUNG. room 30 jBG - 1000 Jänner 1955 ehrenamtlich im Einsatz für ein vereintes und demokratisches Europa ist. UEF Groupe Europe has recently launched a series of initiatives carried out by its working groups in the following fields: UEF - Group Europe It also aims to push forward thoughts of the reinforcment of the role of national parliaments in decision-making procedures in the European Union and reinforcement of the European Parliament. Romanova 42, Blog Press Information. Union of European Federalists Belgium Union of European Federalists in North Macedonia The french section of UEF, was founded in 1946. - Creating a synergy with other civil society organizations and all kind of political parties working towards a more integrated Europe. Its role is explain and spread the idea of strong, influential and united Europe. Hinter der Europäischen Föderalistischen Bewegung (EFB) stehen zahlreiche ehrenamtlich tätige Bürgerinnen und Bürger. 01108, Vilnius Movimento Federalista Europeo - MFE Die Union Europäischer Föderalisten (UEF) ist eine übernationale Vereinigung mit Sitz in Den Haag und Generalsekretariat in Brüssel, deren vorrangiges Ziel die Förderung des europäischen Föderalismus ist. Nebs/Nomes's mission therefore is to initiate and actively advance the process of preparing Switzerland joining the EU as soon as possible. The UEF Italy (Movimento Federalista Europeo - MFE) within the framework of the UEF conducts the fight for the European Federation. Login. It is a great honor for us to attend the upcoming conference and for our President to show to the public what we think of the European Public Broadcasting Service and how we can make it happen in the EU. Preview. Czech Republic) European Federalist Movement of Cyprus (UEF Cyprus) Europa-Union Deutschland (UEF Germany) Eurooppafederalistit (U.E.F. Union des Fédéralistes Européens - France (UEF-France) Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Lassingleithnerplatz 2/3 A - 1020 Vienna Tel: +43 599 50 Fax: +43 599 50-91000. UEF France +389 75 250 186, Obecnie trwają przygotowania do podjęcia próby reaktywacji polskiego oddziału Unii Europejskich Federalistów. UEF-Finland is at the moment small, but lively in its debates about the future of Europe, federalism and on topics touching supranational democracy. Linguee. Stimulating debate on major issues and challenges of the European integration, through conferences and seminars of reflection as well as training programs including: European governance, globalization and new challenges on a global scale (environment, energy, climate, security… ), Europe in the world, European citizenship, the future enlargement of the EU; Campaigns for a Constitution and a federal Europe, in the framework of the UEF supranational campaigns. UEF Groupe Europe intends to promote within and outside the European institutions the establishment of a federal Europe. Currently, UEF Serbia has one regional and two local boards, and more than 50 members. UEF consists of 24 member organisations that are autonomous centres of the UEF activities, reaching the EU citizens and spreading the federalists' message to them by organising various activities in their countries. It has 17,000 members in 15 regional sections with about 350 county, town and city associations. In 2012, several groups of federalist and pro-European activists came together to relaunch the European federalist project in Spain. Wir sind eine überparteiliche und überkonfessionelle Bewegung, die seit dem 16. 1000 Skopje, - Meeting the aspirations of citizens and civil society in order to encourage their active contribution to the "European project"; Via Villa Glori, 8 The Federal Council of UEF Spain is led by the former European Parliament President, Enrique Barón Crespo, current UEF President. UEF-Finland has published a pamphlet "Federalism. Februar 2021, um 10:00 Uhr wurden die Preise an die 23 Gewinner des Civil solidarity Awards übergeben. UEF Lithuania is committed to the following activities to advance its objectives: J.Savickio 11-1 3101 Limassol – Cyprus Wir glauben, dass die Europäische Föderation das Zielbild dafür ist und der Weg dahin viele Herausforderungen birgt. Petar Bogojeski has been elected President and Sasho Lazarovski has been elected Secretary General. 60 Jahre für Europa Der Gedanke, Europa zu vereinen, ist nicht neu. The Open Database Of The Corporate World. D-10178 Berlin The online regular General Assembly of UEF Greece (EEnOE), which took place virtually on 11 December 2020, unanimously elected a new eight-member Executive Board : George Kolyvas, Daphne Gogou, Venetia Koussia, Stefanos Panakoulias, George Emmanuel, Elena Janniki, Nick Gouvalas and Costas Filippidis. Square de Meeûs 25, Federalistas Europeus - União dos Federalistas Europeus em Portugal Europäische Föderalistische Bewegung Österreich: part our commitment to scholarly and academic excellence, all articles receive editorial review.|||... World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled. Lithuania +32 484 673643 Fax: +49-30-3036 201-39. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. Currently, the MFE has 90 sections spread over the country and more than 3 000 members. The elected and nominated representatives of these sections gather twice a year during the UEF Federal Committee to determine the UEF political direction and activities. Unser Ziel ist ein Europa, das demokratischer und föderalistisch, d.h. bundestaatlich ist. P.O.BOX 53670 Trifuna Djukica 3, Switzerland, as a non-member, has no say in the European Union's decision making. Free and open company data on Germany company Europäische Föderalistische Bewegung - Regionalverband Berlin (company number F1103R_VR3521) [Webinar] Fighting Financial Crime: The White Box Company Data Revolution – listen to the recording. Our sister organisation in the United Kingdom, the Federal Trust, organises regular events on current political topics, in particular relating to the European Union. Since this moment, the organisation has managed to quickly establish a strong federalist network across Spain with sections in Andalucía, Asturias, Canarias, Castilla y León, Catalunya, Comunidad Valenciana, Comunidad de Madrid, Euskadi, Galicia, and other locations to work towards a federal Spain in a federal Europe. Sie strebt die Demokratisierung der Europäischen Union und die Schaffung eines föderalen europäischen Bundesstaats an. Die Grundsätze der „Movimento Federalista Europeo“ wurden durch die Analysen und Vorschläge von Altiero Spinelli ausgearbeitet. The Group was founded in 12 April,1975 by merging the sections of the European Federalist Movement in Brussels and section attached to the Union of European Federalists Luxembourg. If you wish to take part to UEF Slovenia, please contact the UEF secretariat. Siltasaarenkatu 4, 7. krs. The organization aims to promote the establishment of a European Federation by working to: UEF Romania (Uniunea Europeană Banat din România – UEBR), founded in 1995 and relaunched in 2007. Main concerns and goals of the organisation: Na Belidle 10 Nebs - Nomes - Numes B - 1000 Brussels. UEF Belgium holds its ordinary General Assembly once a year to elect its Board. FEDERAL UNION +382 68 23 08 33 here . Junge Europäische Föderalisten Österreich, Unser föderales, souveränes und demokratisches Europa, „Europa gegen COVID 19“ ist einer der Gewinner des EESC Civil Solidarity Awards. UEF-Finland was established in 2007. austrian literature online - alo © DEA 2002-2012 University of Innsbruck, Austria 1st Floor – Office 12 - Following closely EU related news and taking a stance on current issues by producing position papers, press releases, articles and analysis in the media, informing the public via the website, via Twitter UEF Hungary and Facebook (Európai Föderalisták Uniója Magyarország); The new organisation in North Macedonia was established on 24 April 2019 and had already a series of events to support the accession process of Republic of North Macedonia into the European Union and promote further European integration. Vizepräsidentin des EP a. D. NR-Abg. Scheibenstrasse 29 Registration Form Extended bureau and campaign meeting on 21 March 2020 at Foyer Européen, 17 rue Traversière-1210 Brussels UEF Lithuania strives to become a significant voice in the wider public debate in Lithuania about Europe and Lithuania's place in it. UEF Crna Gora - Union of European Federalists Montenegro They are free to take up any activities within the general political framework of UEF at the European level. It gathers citizens who wish to contribute to the promotion of European and democratic values in Serbia, European integration in order to achieve full membership of Serbia in the European Union. Februar 2021 „Die Konferenz sollte keine allgemeine Debatte über Themen sein, die wir bereits jeden Tag diskutieren, sondern eine echte und mutige Zukunft für unser Europa und für uns europäische Bürgerinnen und Bürger Weiterlesen…. What Does ECAS Do? Europa-Union Deutschland Europäische Föderalistische Bewegung - Landesverband Steiermark. UEF Belgium is the Belgian branch of the Union of European Federalists and as such is a pluralistic association, independent of any political party and / or government institution. - Participating and representing the Hungarian federalists in political events, meetings of civil groups and clubs and in the media, in order to raise awareness and build consesus on federalist goals; Fax +421 2 5464 0126. Jänner 1955 ehrenamtlich im Einsatz für ein vereintes und demokratisches Europa ist. Helsinki Together for a new Europe. 3317 LIMASSOL 1000 Bruxelles, During the Federal Committee on 13 April 2013 the UEF unanimously voted for the UEF Montenegro as a full member of the Union of European Federalists. Srbija. Österreich war mit dem Projekt #EUROPA GEGEN COVID Weiterlesen…, Brüssel, 5. Europäische Föderalistische Bewegung Österreich (EFB) Timeframe. The Federal Union makes contributions towards the running costs of these organisations and committee members regularly attend the conferences and events which they organise. Its role is to act as an organisation that promotes collaboration between the people of Europe that believe in Democracy, by organising open discussions that refer to the political context of the European Federation. Members of the Österreich-Deutsche Kulturgesellschaft, Linzer Volksbildungs-Verein, Europäische Föderalistische Bewegung Oberösterreichs: Organizer: EFBOÖ (Europäische Föderalistische Bewegung Oberösterreichs); Europahaus Linz with ÖDK (Österreich-Deutsche Kulturgesellschaft) and LVV (Linzer Volksbildungs-Verein) More Info: The group is happy to welcome new members and invites interested parties to make contact by email: Europäische Föderalistische Bewegung Österreich(UEF Austria) U.E.F. For example , the Ile de France section is developing a program of information on federalist history, principles and fundamentals. Jahrhunderts wurde in den meisten Demokratien in Ergänzung zum Weiterlesen…, (maschinell aus dem italienischen übersetzt) 12. Europe Group aims to stimulate and, if necessary, open debate on major issues and news of European integration. Its priority is an active partnership with citizens and organisations who are interested in the future of Europe. CZ - 150 00 Praha If you are interested in taking part in the creation of this section, please get in touch Its also targets the promotion of friendship, togetherness and intellectual communication between the members and also friends of the organisation. Through organisation of events, presentation of opinions via media and social networks, they promote the concept of the European federation. 13, Rue de l'Arbre Sec More specifically, this imply: lösen Weltkriege gedacht, konnte allerdings nur durch Überwindung der absoluten Souveränität der Staaten mit der Schaffung einer Europäischen Föderation, den dauerhaften Frieden in E… UEF in North Macedonia have been formally accepted as candidate sections by the Federal Committee of the UEF meeting in Rome on 23-24 November. FIN-00530 Mit über zwanzig nationalen Sektionen ist die UEF die mitgliederstärkste proeuropäische Vereinigung. If you are interested in joining UEF in your country, find out more about  the existing national sections and how to contact them on this page. Balgarija(UEF Bulgaria) Unie evropských federalistů v České republice (U.E.F. Tel +421 908 655 639 Lectures, discussions, dinners, excursions and/or other events are used as means of communication. The Italian section is very actively involved in the implementation of the Campaign for the European Federation and in several other actions. European Federalist Party asbl 21 Av. UEF in Montenegro, with headquarters in Podgorica, was established in August 2011 to gather citizens who wish to contribute to the promotion of European and democratic values in Montenegro and support European integration process with the goal of obtaining a full-time membership of Montenegro in the European Union, as well as encouraging public debate on the political content of the European Union and the creation of the European Federation. Tel: +37052396660. +420 777 177 889. Európai Föderalisták Uniója - Magyaroszág Egyesület Wir sollten die Zusammenarbeit in den Vordergrund rücken. Die UEF wurde 1946 — in Österreich 1955 als Europäische Föderalistische Bewegung (EFB) — in der Überzeugung gegründet, dass nur ein geeintes Europa, das auf der Idee der Einheit in Vielfalt und geteilter Souveränität basiert, die Krisen unseres Kontinents überwinden und die Staaten in Frieden vereinen kann. Belgique; U.E.F. UEF Bulgaria's foundation dates back to 2002. Since 14 June 2007, EUD is present and unites Germans working in Brussels. Marcin Kotlowski Geschäftsführer WH Media GmbH: StS VP des EP a. D. Mag. Wir stehen für ein demokratisches, sicheres, wirtschaftlich starkes, gebildetes, friedliches, ökologisches, soziales, vereintes und föderales Europa. c/o Maison de l'Europe et des Européens +359 2 987 22 85 Europa-Union Deutschland (EUD) is the largest citizens' initiative for Europe in Germany committed to European integration. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Establishment of European stabilisers countering the effects of automation, globalisation and offshoring of tax basis and industrial production, and also aimed at having counter-cyclical effects. Montenegro North Macedonia Der Gedanke, Europa zu vereinen, ist nicht neu. Find the aspirations of citizens and civil society in order to encourage their active contribution to the "European project"; Raise awareness among institutions and political parties in Belgium on the urgency of a federal Europe; Respond to the various topics of European news by position papers, press releases, articles and analysis in the media, informing the public via the website and quarterly newsletter (UEF-INFO); Create more synergy with other civil society organizations working towards a more integrated Europe, including the European Movement.