He declared it unacceptable to argue that Jewish authorship of the Old Testament diminished its authority, or that morality and virtue were in any way derived from the perceived usefulness of a particular race. While some clergymen refused ever to feign support for the regime, in the Church's conflict with the State over ecclesiastical autonomy, the Catholic hierarchy adopted a strategy of "seeming acceptance of the Third Reich", by couching their criticisms as motivated merely by a desire to "point out mistakes that some of its overzealous followers committed" in order to strengthen the government. Clemens Augustinus Emmanuel Joseph Pius Anthonius Hubertus Marie Graf von Galen, better known as Clemens August Graf von Galen, was a German count, Bishop of Münster, and cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. Clemens August von Galen. They are the unchangeable and fundamental truths of our social life... Where in Germany and where, here, is obedience to the precepts of God? One of his teachers was history professor and noted biblical archaeologist Johann Peter Kirsch. Ten gevolge van de Spaanse Successieoorlog raakte zijn familie verspreid en bleef hij tot in 1715 onder huisarrest in Wenen. Clemens August Graf von Galen Marie&Maya Biographie Biographie Kindheit Kindheit wurde am 16. Zijn gedenkdag is 22 maart, tevens zijn sterfdag. It was concluded positively in November 2004 under Pope John Paul II. Clemens Augustinus Emmanuel Joseph Pius Anthonius Hubertus Marie Graf von Galen (lahir 16 Maret 1878 – meninggal 22 Maret 1946 pada umur 68 tahun), yang lebih dikenal sebagai Clemens August Graf von Galen, adalah seorang Uskup Münster, dan kardinal Gereja Katolik Roma. Joseph Goebbels and party pragmatists preferred to wait until the end of hostilities to avoid undermining German morale in a heavily Catholic area. His last words were:[79] "Yes, Yes, as God wills it. Minder dan een week na zijn thuiskomst stierf hij echter op amper 68-jarige leeftijd - slechts zes dagen na zijn verjaardag - aan de gevolgen van een verwaarloosde blindedarmontsteking. Omdat Pruisen de Stella Matutina-academie niet erkende, genoot Clemens de laatste jaren van zijn opleiding dicht bij huis. Thousands of copies of the sermons were circulated throughout Germany. He told his audience that "whoever does not listen to the Church is a heathen and officially is a sinner". Bis 1929, als er zum Pfarrer der münsterschen Stadtkirche Sankt Lamberti ernannt wurde, wirkte von Galen als Kaplan, Kurat und Pfarrer in Berlin, das damals in Teilen seelsorgerisch vom Bistum Münster betreut wurde. De naam "von Galen" werd al lang in verband gebracht met de regio: de von Galens woonden daar al sinds 1667. In 1896 ging hij naar Zwitserland om te studeren aan de Katholieke Universiteit van Freiburg, die in 1886 was opgericht door de dominicanen, waar hij in aanraking kwam met de geschriften van Thomas van Aquino. Galen then remarked that a regime which can do away with the Fifth Commandment ("Thou shalt not kill.") On 13 April 1945, he raised a protest with American military authorities against the mass rape of German women by Allied and particularly Soviet soldiers as well as against the plundering of German homes, factories, research centres, firms and offices by American and British troops.[68][69]. The Third Reich at War. Zijn jezuïet-overste schreef aan zijn ouders: "Onfeilbaarheid is het grootste probleem met Clemens, die op geen enkele manier kan toegeven dat hij verkeerd kan zijn. Galen closed by assuring the officers that the Church would remain loyal to the state in all lawful matters. According to Robert Jay Lifton, "[t]his powerful, populist sermon was immediately reproduced and distributed throughout Germany — indeed, it was dropped among German troops by British Royal Air Force flyers. Talk:Clemens August Graf von Galen. Mai 1904 durch Bischof Dr. Hermann Dingelstad; Bischhofsweihe: 28. It seems that the patterns of non-implementation of child protection, denial and non-action and unwillingness to meet with victims and survivors is indeed universal in the Universal (=Catholic) Church. Clemens August Graf von Galen (16. maaliskuuta 1878 Dinklage, Oldenburgin Münsterinmaa – 22. maaliskuuta 1946 Münster, Westfalen) oli toisen maailmansodan aikana Münsterin katolinen piispa Saksassa.Hän vastusti pelkäämättä sekä natsi-Saksan että liittoutuneiden miehitysjoukkojen mielivaltaisuuksia. He was buried in the family crypt of the Galen family in the destroyed Cathedral of Münster. [64], While not as explicit and not as effective as the vocal German episcopate's 1941 protests, in September 1943, von Galen and his fellow bishops in Germany drafted another condemnation of Nazi racial persecution and ordered it to be read from all pulpits in the diocese of Münster and across the German Empire, therein denouncing the killing of "the innocent and defenceless mentally handicapped and mentally ill, the incurably infirm and fatally wounded, innocent hostages and disarmed prisoners of war and criminal offenders, people of foreign race or descent". Von Galen was echter druk met het coördineren van hulp aan vluchtelingen en de herbouw van weeshuizen en kerken in het stadscentrum. He took a large number of comforting personal messages to their worried families. De Duitse geestelijk leider Clemens August Graf von Galen werd in 1878 geboren in Dinklage (Münsterland). He concluded: "As a German, as a decent citizen, I demand Justice". [14], During the First World War, Galen volunteered for military service in order to demonstrate his loyalty to the Kaiser. [citation needed], Until 1890, Clemens August and his brother Franz were tutored at home. Galen was ordained in 1904 in Münster, where, as a priest at St. Lambert’s, he published his Die Pest des Laizismus und … He criticized the British dismissal of Germans from public service without investigation and trial. New York City: Penguin. Clemens Augustinus Emmanuel Joseph Pius Anthonius Hubertus Marie Graf[2] von Galen (16 March 1878 – 22 March 1946), better known as Clemens August Graf von Galen, was a German count, Bishop of Münster, and cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. 8 Stelen geben dem Mut-Weg zur Burg sein Gesicht. He expressed his opposition to secularism in his book Die Pest des Laizismus und ihre Erscheinungsformen (The Plague of Laicism and its Forms of Expression) (1932). Heinz Mussinghoff, Rassenwahn in Münster, Der Judenpogrom 1938 und Bischof Clemens August Graf von Galen, Regensberg Verlag, Münster, 1989, pp. [21] Galen often protested against violations of the Concordat to Hitler directly. Religion did not bring the community together — "religion and fears of a loss of religious belief came to be a major source of internal division. At the end of the visit he told Franz that he had decided to become a priest though he was unsure whether to become a contemplative Benedictine or a Jesuit. Clemens August von Galen Clemens August Graf von Galen (1878-1946) werd op 9 oktober 2005 in Rome zalig verklaard. He had become famous and popular, so after the pope had placed the red hat on his head with the words: 'God bless you, God bless Germany', Saint Peter's Basilica for minutes thundered in a "triumphant applause" for Galen. [67], After the war, Galen protested against the mistreatment of the German population by the Allied occupation forces. After his ordination he worked in Berlin at Saint Matthias. "Thou shalt not kill." Maria Franziska Carolina Josepha Ferdinanda von Etzbach, 20. In 1904 werd Clemens von Galen tot priester gewijd. Für die Nazis war er zwar ein rotes Tuch, für die Katholiken im Bistum Münster aber dennoch eine Identifikationsfigur: Clemens August Graf von Galen, von 1933 bis 1946 Bischof von Münster. Freiin Elisabeth Augusta von Hompesch-Bollheim (1763–1785) 6. Namensbedeutung: „Clemens“ ist lateinisch und heißt „der Milde/Gütige“. März 1878 in Dinklage geboren und verstarb am 22. "[26] Galen began by commending Stroop's mother for her devout Catholicism, then categorically refused to accept or praise Rosenberg's doctrines of euthanizing or forcibly sterilizing the disabled. Clemens Augustinus Joseph Emmanuel Pius Antonius Hubertus Marie Graf von Galen. Hij was ook openlijk tegen de nazi's vanwege hun zogeheten euthanasiepolitiek (T-4-euthanasieprogramma), waarbij duizenden daklozen, geesteszieken en gehandicapten om het leven werden gebracht. Church leaders who opposed it – chiefly Bishop Galen and Theophil Wurm, the Lutheran Bishop of Württemberg – were able to rouse widespread public opposition. Clemens August Graf von Galen, the Bishop of Münster, derided the neo-pagan theories of Rosenberg as perhaps no more than "an occasion for laughter in the educated world", but warned that "his immense importance lies in the acceptance of his basic notions as the authentic philosophy of National Socialism and in his almost unlimited power in the field of German education. "[48] Howard K. Smith called Galen "heroic", writing that the movement he represented was so widespread that the Nazi government could not arrest the bishop. [65], In his history of the German Resistance, Theodore S. Hamerow characterised the resistance approach of Galen as "trying to influence the Third Reich from within". Hij was de zoon van een parlementslid. Clemens August von Galen behoorde tot een van de oudste adellijke families van Westfalen. Tagungsbericht (Conference Notes): „Streitfall Galen“ – Anfragen, Kontroversen und Antworten, 10.03.2006 – 11.03.2006 Cloppenburg, in: H-Soz-Kult, 10.04.2006, . [57] Kuropka, referring to Wilhelm Damberg's discovery which in his opinion had not received enough attention so far, pointed out that the diocesan leadership in Münster had instructed all its pastors in June 1938 to recommend a brochure against anti-Semitism titled “The Nathanael Question of Our Days” („Die Nathanaelfrage unserer Tage“) to all faithful to read. As word of the programme spread, protest grew, until finally, Bishop Galen delivered his famous August 1941 sermons denouncing the programme as "murder". He denounced the Nazis for trying to introduce Germanic neo-paganism into his diocese. [60] In his résumé, Kuropka emphasized the uniqueness of the brochure distribution and the prayer campaign in Galen's diocese of Münster. März 1878 in Dinklage; Priesterweihe: 28. Na het afstuderen schreven zijn medestudenten in zijn jaarboek: "Clemens houdt niet van de liefde te bedrijven of te gaan drinken, hij houdt niet van het wereldse bedrog." Go on working for Him... oh, you dear Saviour!" [63] During a commemoration in 2012, Jewish Holocaust survivor and witness Hans Kaufmann of Münster reminded of the fact that bishop Clemens August von Galen had offered a helping hand to the town's rabbi Fritz Steinthal after the 1938 Kristallnacht, but deplored that other Jewish victims in Münster did not receive much aid from neighbours the day after. In August 1917 he visited the front lines in France and found the optimistic morale of the troops uplifting. In eerste instantie werkte hij voor een familielid, de hulpbisschop van Münster, als aalmoezenier. If that were indeed a justification for execution, he reasoned, everybody would have to be afraid to even go to a doctor for fear of what might be discovered. Münster werd in 1938 de plek van brekend glas. Galen was known as a fierce anti-Communist (he later supported the battle by the Axis powers on the Eastern Front against Joseph Stalin's regime in the Soviet Union[18]). [12], Galen arrived in Berlin on 23 April 1906 and stayed until 16 April 1929. Diese Informationen sind Teil von von bei Genealogie Online . De tekst van zijn homilie van 3 augustus van dat jaar in de Lambertikirche in Münster werd later door Britse vliegtuigen boven Duitsland afgeworpen. The cause for beatification was requested by his successor, Bishop Michael Keller of Münster and began under Pope Pius XII in 1956. [35] The programme systematically murdered more than 70,000 people between September 1939 and August 1941. (2009). But his sermons went further than defending the church, he spoke of a moral danger to Germany from the regime's violations of basic human rights: "the right to life, to inviolability, and to freedom is an indispensable part of any moral social order", he said – and any government that punishes without court proceedings "undermines its own authority and respect for its sovereignty within the conscience of its citizens". Door zijn verzet tegen de nazi's wordt hij ook wel De Leeuw van Münster genoemd. [54], Despite Galen's opposition to National Socialism and its racial theories, he nonetheless believed Germany was the last bulwark against the spread of atheist Bolshevism. Zwei Jahre lang war er Kaplan seines Onkels Weihbischof Maximilian Gereon Graf von Galen. Clemens August Antonius Ignatz von Ketteler, 25. [61] Apart from official pronouncements on the subject by the Pope and by German church bodies, Galen himself denounced Nazi racism on multiple occasions,[62] and he was partly responsible for the German bishops' conference condemnation of racial persecution in the 1943 pastoral letter Dekalog-Hirtenbrief. Matthias. The tomb of the Supreme Pontiff Hadrian VI, well known for many centuries as the last non-Italian Pope, is located in the Church of Santa Maria dell'Anima, the national church of Germany in Rome. Hij beschuldigde de geallieerden (niet alleen Sovjet-Russen, maar ook Polen en Engelsen) vanwege de reeds begonnen systematische verdrijving van Duitse burgers uit Silezië, Oost-Pruisen, Danzig, alsook beschuldigde hij Pommeren ervan bewuste etnische zuivering na te streven. He expressed his deep love for Germany and reminded them that he had been the first bishop to publicly acknowledge the new regime. He pointed to the Russians also as among those who had not respected God-given authority. De catastrofale voedselvoorziening in de westelijke bezettingszones weet hij aan de "Anglo-Amerikanen", die de Duitse bevolking door een hongersnood zouden willen breken. … "Feelings of German nationalism, apparently, could triumph over concern for the violations of the sanctity of human life in war. El beat Clemens August Graf von Galen (16 de març de 1878 - 22 de març de 1946) va ser un comte alemany, bisbe de Münster i cardenal de l'Església catòlica romana.Durant la Segona Guerra Mundial , von Galen va liderar la protesta catòlica contra l'eutanàsia nazi i va denunciar la improcedència de la Gestapo i la persecució de l'Església. He asked his listeners to be patient and to endure, and said that the German people were being destroyed not by the Allied bombing from the outside, but from negative forces within.[44]. Graf August von Spee (1813–1882) 26. "[25], In retaliation, two senior SS officers visited Galen to pressure him into endorsing Rosenberg's doctrines publicly, threatening the confiscation of Church property and an anti-Catholic propaganda campaign. Clemens August von Galen behoorde tot een van de oudste adellijke families van Westfalen. It was a booming commercial and cultural metropolis at the time he arrived — its population increased from 900,000 in 1871 to slightly less than 4 million by 1920. [23] Bishop Galen also derided the neo-pagan theories of Rosenberg in The Myth of the Twentieth Century as perhaps no more than "an occasion for laughter in the educated world", but warned that Rosenberg's "immense importance lies in the acceptance of his basic notions as the authentic philosophy of National Socialism and in his almost unlimited power in the field of German education. Von Galen studeerde van 1898 tot 1903 theologie in Innsbruck, waarna hij in Münster zijn studie afmaakte in een priesterseminaar. Clemens August Graf von Galen, geboren 1878, war ein deutscher Geistlicher und Bischof. Galen's three powerful sermons of July and August 1941 earned him the nickname of the "Lion of Münster". Kapelaan in Berlijn [10] He chose as his motto "Nec laudibus nec timore", a phase from the liturgy used for a bishop's consecration when the consecrating bishop prays that the new bishop be overcome "neither by flattery nor by fear". The Gestapo, he argued, reduced even the most decent and loyal citizens to fear of ending up in a cellar prison or a concentration camp. [29] There were mass arrests of clergy and church publishing houses were expropriated, followed by widely spread abuse allegations and staged morality trials against members of religious orders and priests. He made visits to the sick and poor, became president of the Catholic Young Men's Association, gave religious instruction in the schools, and for his efforts he was named Papa Galen by the parishioners he served. In 1903 verliet von Galen Innsbruck om naar het seminarie in Münster te gaan, en hij werd tot priester gewijd op 28 mei 1904. 210–11. [42] His attacks on the Nazis were so severe that Nazi official Walter Tiessler proposed in a letter to Martin Bormann that the Bishop of Münster be executed. Clemens August von Galen (Dinklage, 16 maart 1878 - Münster, 22 maart 1946) was een Duits kardinaal. [39] On 3 August 1941, in one of his series of denunciations, Galen declared:[41]. Despite numerous British obstacles and denial of air travel, Galen arrived in Rome 5 February 1946. It is always his teachers and educators who are wrong. Hij studeerde aan de Theologische Faculteit in Innsbruck, opgericht in 1669 door de jezuïeten, waar de scholastieke filosofie werd benadrukt en nieuwe concepten en ideeën werden vermeden. [51] The sermons influenced the Scholl siblings in founding the White Rose pacifist student resistance group. Teruggekeerd uit Rome werd hij in Münster als held ingehaald, want vele Duitsers zagen in deze benoeming een begin van herwonnen nationaal zelfrespect. May God reward you for it. [11] Soon he moved to Berlin, where he worked as parish priest at St. As a proponent of Christian legal opinion, which states that you are only responsible for your own deeds, I support the plea for clemency for General Meyer and pledge for a pardon." [37] In a Table Talk from 1942, Hitler said: "The fact that I remain silent in public over Church affairs is not in the least misunderstood by the sly foxes of the Catholic Church, and I am quite sure that a man like Bishop von Galen knows full well that after the war I shall extract retribution to the last farthing". Clemens August Graf von Galen was beatified on 9 October 2005 outside St. Peter's Basilica by Pope Benedict XVI, the 47th anniversary of the death of Pope Pius (1958). In a joint interview with British officials, Galen told the international press that "just as I fought against Nazi injustices, I will fight any injustice, no matter where it comes from".