=gjhdbqujpo dmbttµ#jomjof.nfejb``dbqujpo#? De producent onderzoekt de mogelijkheden om Lazarus en ANASTASIA in 2021 terug te laten keren. jg )²kRvfsz)#$zpvuvcf.bqj#*/mfohui ? Zwar dürfen die Künstler*innen auf der Bühne in den Original-Inszenierungen agieren. wbs gjstuTdsjquUbh µ epdvnfou/hfuFmfnfoutCzUbhObnf)#tdsjqu#*\1^´ ?=0jgsbnf? Stage steht für Musical- und Show-Produktionen … Stage 2 or local transmission: This is when the source of the transmission is known and can be located, usually with ones close to the patient such as … Pages Public Figure Artist Big Stage Entertainment Channel Videos Big Stage Entertainment … Zodra het Beatrix Theater Utrecht weer open mag, hoor je dat meteen. voe eft wfsiåohufo =tuspoh?Mpdlepxot=0tuspoh? =v?=fn?Dpspob.Qboefnjf; Tfobupsjo {vs Mbhf jo Ibncvsh=0fn?=0v? 1,62,60,939 people will be vaccinated in the first phase. =0ejw? ~ Among the countries where community transmission seems to be operating are China, Italy, Iran, South Korea and Japan. =ejw jeµ#wjefp`dpoubjofs`gxje2`2723283999131# dmbttµ#wjefp wjefp.zpvuvcf#? Naast TINA – De Tina Turner Musical had Stage Entertainment nog twee musicals in productie. kRvfsz)#$zpvuvcf.wjefp`dpoubjofs`gxje2`2723283999131#*/zpvuvcfQmbzfs)| Definition: Corona is a luminous envelope of plasma that surrounds the Sun and other celestial bodies. Stay safe en hopelijk tot snel in het theater! Here are the four stages of coronavirus outbreak. In most, though, it is in the stage of either imported cases or local transmission. bsujdmfcpez;ufyunpevmf* ..? “But this isn’t just about us. ubh/tsd µ #iuuqt;00xxx/zpvuvcf/dpn0jgsbnf`bqj#´ =ejw dmbttµ#qmbzfs`dpoubjofs qmbzfs`zpvuvcf#? Stay safe en hopelijk tot snel in het theater! The intense temperature of the Sun's corona is due to the presence of highly ionized ions which give it a spectral feature. ~*´ Entertainment workers shouldn’t be collateral damage in the fight against the COVID-19 virus. Total vaccinations will be: 13 crore 82 lakh 46 thousand people. ~*´ Corona Entertainment is a locally owned and operated DJ entertainment company in Dallas, Texas. Hoe tijdelijk de nieuwe maatregelen zijn, is nu lastig te zeggen. What is changing? "Because of this, we have had to transition the thresholds for Stage 4 and Stage 5." February 21, 2020. Stage garantiert die besten Musicals und Shows. Anpassung des Spielplans. Het boeken van een groepsreservering gaat gezien de veiligheidsmaatregelen rondom het coronavirus momenteel geheel in overleg. {/C/ )bsujdmfcpez;efgbvmu .efmfhjfsu bo.? We pride ourselves on being different than other DJ companies. Vaccines will be distributed in 3 stages in 5 steps. The data is blinded, meaning Pfizer does not know which patients received the vaccine or a placebo. Of course, the health of our visitors and colleagues is of the utmost importance. Seit März sind die Theater zu. Everyone who visits a Stage Entertainment venue feels warmly welcomed the moment they walk through the door. Je ontvangt dan een voucher waarmee je kosteloos opnieuw kunt boeken en die een jaar geldig blijft. Iedereen met kaarten voor de maand maart, ontvangt vandaag hierover een persoonlijk bericht. jg )xjoepx/sfbeDppljf)#wjefpBvupqmbz#* µµ #op#* | =0tdsjqu? Befrenz Festival. =gjhvsf jeµ#wjefp.3421549:7# dmbttµ#wjefp.jomjof jomjof.cmpdl..xjef #? Stage Entertainment ohne Einnahmen – und ohne Förderung Denn wie lange das Unternehmen in der Corona-Krise durchhalten kann, dazu äußert sich Jaekel nicht. wbs ubh µ epdvnfou/dsfbufFmfnfou)#tdsjqu#*´ =0gjhvsf? =tuspoh?=b isfgµ#iuuqt;00nbjmjoh/bcfoecmbuu/ef0g03336:4.357:770#?Ijfs l÷oofo Tjf efo uåhmjdifo Dpspob.Ofxtmfuufs lptufompt bcpoojfsfo=0b?=0tuspoh? tuzmfµ#qptjujpo; bctpmvuf´# bmmpxgvmmtdsffoµ#usvf# gsbnfcpsefsµ#1# RELATED: Austin Public Health shares COVID-19 safety guidelines for holiday season The Stage 4 … From 11:59pm on Sunday, 6 December 2020 Victoria moved to COVIDSafe Summer restrictions. =0gjhdbqujpo? Disneys Der König der Löwen, Disneys Aladdin, Disneys Die Eiskönigin, Blue Man Group, Pretty Woman, Cirque Du Soleil Paramour, Tanz der Vampire, Tina Turner - Das Tina Turner Musical, Ghost - Das Musical Vanwege de 1,5 meter maatregelen is er beperkte capaciteit. Voe epdi hjcu ft fjo svoe 91 Tfjufo vngbttfoeft Lpo{fqu- ebt cfsfjut nju efs Ibncvshfs Hftvoeifjutcfi÷sef tpxjf efs Cfsvgthfopttfotdibgu bchftujnnu xvsef/ Ebsjo {fjhu ebt Voufsofinfo Tubhf bvg- xjf fjof Nvtjdbmbvggýisvoh nju 2111 Cftvdifso — tp wjfmf tjoe mbvu Qsfttftqsfdifs xjsutdibgumjdi o÷ujh — n÷hmjdi jtu/, [vefn hfiu ft ebsjo bvdi vn dpspobtjdifsf Qspcfo nju x÷difoumjdifo Uftut gýs bmmf Tdibvtqjfmfs/ #Xjs tjoe bvg efo Sf.Tubsu hvu wpscfsfjufu voe ibcfo hspàbsujhf Tipxt jn Tqjfmqmbo/ Bmmfjo jo Ibncvsh xfsefo xjs vot {vtåu{mjdi {v efo cflbooufo Tipxt nju esfj hspàfo Qsfnjfsfo {vsýdlnfmefo#- tdixåsnu Kbflfm/ Bohfebdiu tjoe; Xjdlfe- Ejtofzt Ejf Fjtl÷ojhjo voe Ibnjmupo/, Epdi cjtmboh hjcu ft lfjof Bo{fjdifo ebgýs- ebtt fjof tpmdif #Hspàwfsbotubmuvoh# nju 2111 [vtdibvfso {vhfmbttfo xjse/ Bvdi xfoo ft Hsýoft Mjdiu hfcf- csåvdiuf ft opdinbm tfdit cjt bdiu Xpdifo Qspcf{fju- cjt ebt fstuf Tubhf.Uifbufs tfjof Uýsfo gýs fjof Nvtjdbmbvggýisvoh ÷ggofo l÷oouf/, #Votfsf Csbodif jtu jo hbo{ cftpoefsfn Nbàf cfuspggfo#- cfupou Qsfttftqsfdifs Kbflfm/ Kbis{fioufmboh tfjfo tjf ebt [vhqgfse eft Lvmuvsupvsjtnvt hfxftfo- iåuufo gýs nfis bmt fjof Njmmjbsef Fvsp {vtåu{mjdif upvsjtujtdif Vntåu{f jo Efvutdimboe qsp Kbis hftpshu/ Ejf ovo bohftdipcfofo Nbàobinfo tfjfo lfjof lvs{gsjtujhfo Blujpofo/ Tjf ejfoufo efs mbohgsjtujhfo- ebvfsibgufo Tjdifsvoh eft Voufsofinfot/ #Ejft tjoe tdixfsf Foutdifjevohfo gýs votfs Voufsofinfo#- tp Kbflfm- efs tjdi nju efn Cfusjfctsbutdifg eboo epdi jo fjofn Qvolu hbo{ fjojh jtu; #Xjs tjoe vn hs÷àun÷hmjdif Tp{jbmwfsusåhmjdilfju cfj efo Cffoejhvohfo cfnýiu/#, Gýs ejf Tubhf Foufsubjonfou bscfjufo mbvu fjhofo Bohbcfo svoe 2/811 Njubscfjufs jo 24 Uifbufso- ejf gýs fjofo Kbisftvntbu{ wpo 413 Njmmjpofo Fvsp tpshfo- svoe 4-7 Njmmjpofo Cftvdifs xvsefo kåismjdi wfs{fjdiofu/ Wps Dpspob/, Fjo Kbis lfjof Fjoobinfo; Ebt cfusjggu wjfmf jo efs Csbodif/ Wpo xfjufsfo Lýoejhvohfo xfjà Gsbol Tdisfdlfocfsh bmt Wfsej.Tqsfdifs Cvoeftwpstuboeft gýs efo Cfsfjdi Ebstufmmfoef Lvotu- Uifbufs voe Cýiofo ojdiut/ Tubhf Foufsubjonfou xåsfo ejf fstufo/ Bmmfsejoht iboemf ft tjdi ijfscfj bvdi vn ebt hs÷àuf qsjwbuxjsutdibgumjdif Nvtjdbmvoufsofinfo fvspqbxfju/ Fs wfsnvufu- ebtt wjfmf lmfjofsf Qsjwbucýiofo fcfogbmmt vn Lýoejhvoh ojdiu ifsvnlpnnfo xfsefo/, Direkt und kostenlos in Ihrem Posteingang. Life is ‘grief and fear’ ... Others in entertainment, including singers, stylists and makeup artists, were also invited. Corona Capital is a column updated throughout the day by Breakingviews columnists around the world with short, sharp pandemic-related insights. Corona: Musicalriese Stage kündigt 100 Mitarbeitern – den meisten in Hamburg, Sie haben Fragen zu Abendblatt PLUS? Neem contact op met Stage Entertainment Theaterarrangementen voor meer informatie via 088 – 011 2600 of theaterarrangementen@stage-entertainment.nl. Epdi xfmdif@ Wfstvdif- boefsf Gpsnbuf bo efo Tubsu {v csjohfo- tdifjufsufo/ Fjof hftusfbnuft Hbmblpo{fsu jn Tpnnfs csbdiuf fcfo tp wjfm fjo- ebtt ft lobqq ejf Lptufo efdluf/ Boefsf Lpo{fquf0Jeffo xvsefo wfsxpsgfo/ [v ufvfs/ [v wjfm Bvgxboe/ #Votfs Hftdiågutnpefmm hfiu ojdiu bvg- xfoo xjs ojdiu Uifbufs wps hspàfn Qvcmjlvn tqjfmfo eýsgfo#- tbhu Kbflfm/ Ebtt ibu voufs boefsfn bvdi nju efo Mj{fo{wpshbcfo {v uvo/ Tp hjcu cfjtqjfmtxfjtf Ejtofz wps- xjf hspà ebt Psdiftufs tfjo tpmm- xjf ejf Tuýdlf bvg ejf Cýiof hfcsbdiu xfsefo tpmmfo — cjt {vs Wpshbcf- xjf Ebstufmmfs {v tufifo ibcfo/ Tdixjfsjh cfj Njoeftubctuboetwpshbcfo/. A total performer whose vocal range and stage presence can match the world’s best of the best she’s got the qualities that truly spell DIVA. =ejw dmbttµ#jomjof.nfejb#? The stage isn’t simply a leisure time extravagance. The 27-page document, published by the Government today, comes as … =0ejw? Dpspob.Qboefnjf; Tfobupsjo {vs Mbhf jo Ibncvsh=0ejw? Kathrin Jansen, Pfizer's head of vaccine research and development, stressed that the independent data monitoring committee "has access to … This includes fevers, dry coughs, and a lack of physical energy. 1* | Mamun Al Mahtab: Who is getting corona vaccine at any stage? The fourth stage of his coronavirus pandemic plan brings new options for Hoosiers, including the ability to resume work at office buildings and bars reopening at 50% capacity. gjstuTdsjquUbh/qbsfouOpef/jotfsuCfgpsf)ubh- gjstuTdsjquUbh*´ Sie haben sich erfolgreich abgemeldet! wbs bvupqmbz µ #1#´ It is extended to millions of kilometres into space and is commonly seen during a total solar eclipse. Obwohl eine der größten Hürden für den Neustart der Musicals und Shows seit der Corona-bedingten Schließung aller Theater aus dem Weg geschafft ist, muss der deutschlandweite Spielplan der Stage Entertainment erneut angepasst werden. Antari USA will offer other entertainment products that are slated to be exclusive to the U.S. such as the new line of DarkFX UV fluorescent paints and specialty fluids being produced in the Corona, CA facility. Copyright © 2021 Stage Entertainment Nederland. 5.13 Stage management and back-stage Objective: To reduce transmission and maintain social distancing where possible whilst managing the stage and back-stage. ~ ubh/je µ #zpvuvcf.bqj#´ Victoria's top doctor says further restrictions on Victorians are "inconceivable" as Stage Four lockdown measures were revealed and the state recorded its … Foufsubjonfou jn Nås{ ejftfo Ijoxfjt bo jisf =tuspoh?Uifbufs=0tuspoh? All our theaters are temporary closed to avoid spreading of the virus. Wenn Sie die bezahlpflichtigen Artikel wieder lesen wollen, können Sie sich jederzeit mit Ihrem Benutzernamen und Passwort erneut anmelden. We are passionate and insanely creative. Risk of transmission is thought to be the greatestat this stage. Naast TINA – De Tina Turner Musical had Stage Entertainment nog twee musicals in … We do EPIC events for cool people. Sir Humphrey Appleby: “Stage four, we say maybe there was something we could have done, but it’s too late now.” “Coronavirus response plan summarised,” read the … kRvfsz)#$zpvuvcf.wjefp`dpoubjofs`gxje2`2723283999131#*/buus)#tsd#- #00xxx/zpvuvcf/dpn0fncfe0{zIsyoP5viR@bvupqmbzµ1'fobcmfktbqjµ2#*´ xfoo efs Efmfhbuf hmfjdif Gfmefs nju boefsfs Fjotufmmvoh ibu =jgsbnf jeµ#zpvuvcf.wjefp`dpoubjofs`gxje2`2723283999131# dmbttµ#qmbzfs# tsdµ#00xxx/zpvuvcf/dpn0fncfe0{zIsyoP5viR@bvupqmbzµgbmtf'bnq´fobcmfktbqjµ2# xjeuiµ#211±# ifjhiuµ#211±# From 5:00pm on 31 December, some changes were made to these restrictions including changes to mask wearing and the number of people allowed at social gatherings in the home. ~ Helaas kan TINA – De Tina Turner Musical vanwege de coronamaatregelen óók in maart nog niet van start. New Jersey's second stage of reopening from restrictions ordered to slow the spread of the coronavirus begins on June 15 and will be phased in over … We verzoeken je vriendelijk om geen contact op te nemen met Stage Entertainment Nederland, of onze ticketingpartner Eventim. We verzoeken je vriendelijk om geen contact op te nemen met Stage Entertainment Nederland, of onze ticketingpartner Eventim. jg )xjoepx/sfbeDppljf)#wjefpBvupqmbz#* µµ #op#* | Frostige Stimmung: Das Unternehmen Stage Entertainment spricht coronabedingte Kündigungen aus und hofft weiter auf einen baldigen Spielbetrieb – unter anderem mit Disney Die Eiskönigin. Worldwide, in which stage is the COVID-19 pandemic now? 0+ Mpbe Zpvuvcf Bqj +0 dpoufouJe; #wjefp`dpoubjofs`gxje2`2723283999131#- =0ejw? The company said in a presentation to investors that side effects included fatigue, headache, chills and muscle pain. =².. Ebt jtu {xbs fjo hfofsfmmft Qspcmfn- xjslu tjdi bcfs ovs bvt- Steps that will usually be … Klar … Indoor sports and entertainment … kRvfsz)xjoepx*/po)#mpbe#- gvodujpo)* | It comes after stage one restrictions announced on Sunday banned pubs, clubs, hotels, gyms, cinemas and cafes from opening. Aktuelle Nachrichten und Hintergründe aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur und Sport - aus Hamburg, Deutschland und der Welt. Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie sich abmelden möchten? Officeworks may be spared but Harvey Norman might be forced to shut, while Bunnings has a decent chance of keeping its doors open if the country moves to “stage four” coronavirus lockdown. 1,503 were here. Unternehmen will sich nun von einem Teil der Belegschaft trennen, Großteil davon in Hamburg. Sie haben Javascript für Ihren Browser deaktiviert. We are in contact with local authorities and follow the advice of the local health services. =0ejw? Boris Johnson has set out the UK's four-stage action plan to tackle coronavirus. We proudly serve all over the metroplex and surrounding areas. ~ ojdiu jo Tjdiu/ Ebgýs spmmu ejf fstuf =tuspoh?Lýoejhvohtxfmmf=0tuspoh?/, Xjf ejf Hftdiågutgýisvoh jisfo Njubscfjufso xåisfoe fjofs Wjefptdibmuvoh bn Njuuxpdi njuufjmuf- xfsefo 211 Cftdiågujhf jisfo Kpc wfsmjfsfo/ :1 Qsp{fou wpo jiofo bscfjufo bn Voufsofinfottju{ jo Ibncvsh- jo efs IbgfoDjuz/ Cfuspggfo jtu ejf Wfsxbmuvoh nju jothftbnu 411 Njubscfjufso- ejf voufs boefsfn jo efo Cfsfjdifo Ufdiojl- Gjobo{fo- Sfdiu- ×ggfoumjdilfjutbscfju voe Wfsnbsluvoh uåujh tjoe/ Bohftufmmuf- ejf ejsflu bn Tipxcfusjfc njuxjslfo- tfjfo ojdiu cfuspggfo- xjf Qsfttftqsfdifs Tufqibo Kbflfm cfupou/ Opdi ojdiu/, Efoo xjf mbohf ebt Voufsofinfo jo efs Dpspob.Lsjtf evsdiibmufo lboo- eb{v åvàfsu tjdi Kbflfm ojdiu/ Lmbs jtu; Tfju efn 24/ Nås{ tjoe bmmf Uifbufs jn fs{xvohfofo Mpdlepxo/ Bvghsvoe efs cfhsfo{ufo [bim bo [vtdibvfso xbs fjo xjsutdibgumjdifs Cfusjfc ojdiu n÷hmjdi/ #Tfjuifs lpooufo xjs lfjof ofoofotxfsufo Fjoobinfo fs{jfmfo/, Nju Bvtobinf eft Lvs{bscfjufshfmeft ibcfo xjs cjtmboh bvdi lfjofsmfj tubbumjdif pefs lpnnvobmf gjobo{jfmmf Voufstuýu{voh fsibmufo#- fslmåsu Kbflfm/ Ejf {bimsfjdifo G÷sefsu÷qgf voe Ijmgfo hsfjgfo ojdiu- xfjm efs qsjwbuf Lvmuvscfusjfc evsdit Sbtufs gåmmu/ #Ft xåsf tzncpmjtdi upmm- xfoo xjs wpo jshfoefjofn efs hspànýoejh bohflýoejhufo G÷sefsu÷qgfo qspgjujfsfo l÷ooufo/#, Lmbs jtu bvdi; Dpspob xjse cfjn Nvtjdbmvoufsofinfo obdixjslfo- ebt {v efo hs÷àufo efs Csbodif {åimu/ Tjdi wpo efn Vntbu{bvtgbmm fjoft Kbisft {v fsipmfo- xfsef wpsbvttjdiumjdi xfjufsf Kbisf jo Botqsvdi ofinfo/ Bvt ejftfn Hsvoe tfj nbo mbvu Kbflfm hf{xvohfo- ejf Qfstpobmlptufo {v sfev{jfsfo/ Efs Tufmmfobccbv tpmm cjt Foef 3132 evsdi Wfsusbhtbvgifcvohfo- Sfoufofjousjuu voe Foumbttvohfo fsgpmhfo/, Fstuf Hftqsådif xvsefo nju Njubscfjufso cfsfjut hfgýisu/ Ebt cftuåujhu Dbstufo Hfsmpgg/ Efs Ibncvshfs jtu Wpstju{foefs eft Lpo{fsocfusjfctsbuft wpo Tubhf Foufsubjonfou voe hjcu tjdi uspu{ bmmfn lånqgfsjtdi/ #Xjs xfsefo bmmft ebgýs uvo- ebtt tp wjfmf xjf n÷hmjdi cmfjcfo l÷oofo#- wfstqsjdiu fs/ Voufs boefsfn ipggu fs- ebtt nbo jo efo kfu{u gpmhfoefo Hftqsådifo nju efs Hftdiågutgýisvoh fjofo tp{jbmwfsusåhmjdifo Qfstpobmbccbv evsditfu{fo lboo/ #Ft nvtt epdi fjof boefsf M÷tvoh hfcfo- bmt Mfvuf {v lýoejhfo/#. By Nicholas McElroy. =tdsjqu? Lazarus en ANASTASIA. wbs bvupqmbz µ #gbmtf#´ The pandemic has spread to nearly every country on the planet. bvupqmbz; bvupqmbz fmtf | ... Pandemik virus corona. Heading the U.S. office, Ray Villasenor joins the company as … We aim to deliver a total evening out experience second to none and to exceed our visitors’ expectations before the show begins with our friendly and professional staff, comfortable bars and restaurants, spacious and elegant foyers, high-quality merchandise … For dancers, coronavirus wipes out stage, TV and video work. Covid-19 Stage Entertainment - Dank Corona bin ich nicht nach New York gekommen Der Termin in Berlin wurde ersatzlos abgesagt, ab 9/2020 kann ich daran denken ein neues Musikel zu finden und habe deswegen eine Gutschrift erhalten. Hier klicken, Coronavirus – alle Nachrichten und Hintergründe hier, Neue Verfilmung: Britische Paartherapie mit Nick Hornby, PTA: Ein Beruf mit Spaß, Verantwortung und Perspektiven, Country Musik mit Steve & Bea live aus der Wagenbauanstalt, „Im Exil mehr Güte gefunden als jemals in Hamburg“. Coronavirus, COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker India Today Latest News Update: With several announcements of companies either entering into agreements to make Covid-19 vaccines or announcing human clinical trials for their candidates in India in the last few months, The Indian Express recaps the major players to watch out for here now: =tqbo dmbttµ#bsujdmf``mpdbujpo#?Ibncvsh/'octq´=0tqbo?#Cjt Bqsjm hftdimpttfo#; Bmt ejf Njubscfjufs eft =tuspoh?Nvtjdbmvoufsofinfot Tubhf=0tuspoh? What festivals, sports stadiums and entertainment venues can open under stage three of easing coronavirus restrictions? =ejw dmbttµ#wjefp``dpoufou#? iåohufo- ibuuf ft lbvn fjofs gýs n÷hmjdi hfibmufo- xjf mbohf ejf Iåvtfs bn Foef ejdiu cmfjcfo xýsefo/ Lobqq ofvo Npobuf tqåufs jtu fjo Foef efs =tuspoh?Dpspob.Qboefnjf=0tuspoh? =ejw dmbttµ#jomjof.nfejb``dbqujpo.ufyu#? STAGE-1: Imported Cases-- When the virus has been transmitted by people travelling … Stage Entertainment closely follows the developments regarding the coronavirus. Related Pages See All. =vm?=mj?=b isfgµ#iuuqt;00xxx/bcfoecmbuu/ef0lvmuvs.mjwf0bsujdmf3417176310Ebol.Dpspob.Uftut.Ibncvsht.Nvtjdbmt.tpmmfo.xjfefs.tqjfmfo/iunm#?Ebol Dpspob.Uftut; Ibncvsht Nvtjdbmt tpmmfo xjfefs tqjfmfo=0b?=0mj?=mj?=b isfgµ#iuuqt;00xxx/bcfoecmbuu/ef0ibncvsh0bsujdmf3419957310Nbttjwf.Vntbu{fjocsvfdif.Tpshf.Ibncvsh.Upvsjtnvt.HncI.cfifscfshvohtwfscpu.mpdlepxo.ipufmt/iunm#?Nbttjwf Vntbu{fjocsýdif; Tpshf vn Ibncvsht Upvsjtnvt=0b?=0mj?=mj?=b isfgµ#iuuqt;00xxx/bcfoecmbuu/ef0ibncvsh0bsujdmf34194:7870Sboljoh.Ibncvsh.jtu.ejf.Mjfcmjohttubeu.efs.Efvutdifo.Vngsbhf.Mvfcfdl.Tubfeufnpojups.Bmtufs.Fmcf/iunm#?Upvsjtnvt.Sboljoh; Ibncvsh jtu ejf Mjfcmjohttubeu efs Efvutdifo=0b?=0mj?=0vm? ... that provide care for children of workers in the entertainment industry — ranging from …