Es ist gespenstisch. Dresden – Plötzlich geht alles ganz schnell.Nach der Messe Leipzig soll auch in Dresden das geplante Corona-Impfzentrum auf dem Messegelände im Ostragehege errichtet werden. Corona-Hotline Gesundheitsamt Dresden Telefon: 0351-4885322 Montag und Mittwoch 9 Uhr bis 16 Uhr Dienstag und Donnerstag 9 Uhr bis 18 Uhr Freitag 9 Uhr bis 14 Uhr Sonnabend und Sonntag 9 bis 15 Uhr (nicht an Feiertagen) E-Mail des Gesundheitsamtes; Please inform your Category I contacts directly, so that they can also self-isolate without delay. Private households in which infected persons or persons with a suspected Covid-19 infection are living in home quarantine should forego sorting their domestic waste for the duration of the quarantine. According to the, Behaviour in case of a positive test result, Travellers from German risk areas (hotspots), Integration & Foreign Citizens Advisory Committee, Public announcement – Exceedance incidence 50 (german), Public announcement – Exceedance incidence 200 (german), Public announcement – Exceedance incidence 300 (german), Coronavirus Test Ordinance of the Federal Ministry of Health, Specialist practices in the Dresden region (Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of Saxony)(german),, State Directorate for Saxony (Landesdirektion Sachsen), Further information (Free State of Saxony), Coronavirus infection and home quarantine, Self-isolation at home with confirmed Covid-19, Information on entry restrictions and quarantine regulations in Germany (Federal Foreign Office), Current information for travellers (Federal Ministry of Health), Corona-Dashboard Dresden (RKI-incidence only), Robert Koch-Institute: COVID-19 in Germany (english), Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA): Coronavirus/COVID 19 (german), Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA): Further Informations in other languages, Federal Ministry of Health: Information regarding Covid-19 in Germany (english), Poster with COVID-19 information and advice (Robert Koch-Institute) (english, german, turkish), Federal Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration: Coronavirus further Informations in other languages, Ethno Medical-Center Germany: Corona-Information in other languages, Leistungen aus dem Bildungspaket und Arbeitslosengeld II zusammen beantragen, Stadtrat beschließt Kulturentwicklungsplan bis 2030, Ordnungsamt verschärft Corona-Kontrollen und kontrolliert in Zivil, Schuluntersuchungen finden statt – bei Verhinderung unbedingt absagen, Räcknitz/Zschertnitz: Erster Bauabschnitt der Caspar-David-Friedrich-Straße fertig, Corona: 7-Tages-Inzidenz seit mehr als fünf Tagen über 300, Abfallratgeber 2021 gibt Tipps zu Abfallvermeidung und -entsorgung, Abfallentsorgung zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr, Rege Beteiligung bei Online-Umfrage zum Neuen Verwaltungszentrum, Less frequently: Pain, nausea and vomiting, runny nose, diarrhoea, Fever and general weakness are more common in influenza and Covid-19, less so in colds, Fever and other symptoms occur suddenly in influenza, less suddenly in Covid-19, Sneezing and a runny or stuffy nose are rare in influenza and Covid-19, but common in colds, Loss of smell and taste is more common with Covid-19 than with influenza or a cold, Older persons (increasing risk of serious illness from an age of around 50 to 60 years), Persons with pre-existing medical conditions: Heart diseases, lung diseases, chronic liver diseases, diabetes mellitus, cancer, conditions resulting in a weakened immune system, obesity, Maintain a distance of 1.5 to 2 metres to others and avoid crowds wherever possible, Wearing a covering over your mouth and nose can reduce the risk of infection, Wash your hands after using a disposable tissue, Avoid touching your face to reduce the risk of the virus coming into contact with your eyes, nose or mouth, Avoid physical contact, including handshakes, when greeting others, Provide for regular and effective ventilation of indoor spaces, People belonging to risk groups are advised to avoid unnecessary journeys by public transport, In exceptional cases, persons who develop symptoms may also seek help at the Corona Outpatient Clinic (Corona-Ambulanz) at. You will not receive a written notification from the Public Health Office. Knallhart-Ansage eines Hoteliers aus Dietmannsried (Oberallgäu) per Video wegen des Corona-Lockdowns und den angekündigten Hilfen vom Staat. Die Corona-Lage im Landkreis Bautzen verschärft sich immer weiter. Die … Angesichts der sich ausbreitenden Corona-Pandemie haben Bund und Länder vereinbart, das öffentliche Leben weitgehend herunterzufahren. Seit ein paar Tagen wird auch im Corona-Dashboard der Stadt Dresden eine Bettenübersicht angezeigt. Current information on dealing with the corona pandemic in Dresden. The speed with which the Public Health Office can provide information to Category I contact persons depends largely on the feedback from the index person and their nomination of contact persons. Laut DIVI-Intensivregister werden in Dresden 52 Covid-19-Patienten auf Intensivstationen behandelt, davon werden 41 Patienten invasiv beatmet. Pay attention to correct coughing etiquette and wash your hands regularly. Dezember 2020). Durch Corona erlebt der Adventsladen eine Renaissance. Corona-Dashboard DresdenCorona-Dashboard Dresden (RKI-incidence only), Data source: 20.12.2020 10:15, Data source: 20.12.2020 10:26. Die Stadtverwaltung zeigt auf eine sogenannte Corona-Ampel. Dezember 2020 bis zum 10. Corona-Ampel. If an antigen test returns a positive result, you are automatically classified as a “suspected case”, As a suspected case, you must self-isolate immediately, Contact your doctor and arrange to have a PCR test performed, If no PCR test is performed, you must remain in quarantine for 10 days, If the PCR test returns a negative result, the quarantine requirement is lifted immediately, The period of quarantine begins either on the date of the positive antigen test or – where present – from the date of your first symptoms, It is important that you start to prepare a Category I contact list as soon as you receive a positive antigen test result, If your subsequent PCR test is positive, send your contact list to, A certificate confirming the date of the antigen test can be presented to your employer as evidence regarding a quarantine-related loss of earnings, In such cases, the Public Health Office does not issue an official quarantine notice, If a doctor performs a PCR test because a person is displaying relevant symptoms, the patient concerned is immediately classified as a “suspected case”, The patient must then self-isolate immediately and remain in quarantine until a result is received, If the PCR test returns a positive result, the patient must observe the rules explained under “Behaviour in case of a positive result”, Written confirmation of the PCR test and – where appropriate – a negative result are treated as official evidence for the period of quarantine, Persons who have been in uninterrupted close contact with an infected person for at least 15 minutes, particularly when in conversation with that person, without observing minimum physical distancing and while not wearing a mouth/nose covering, Persons who through their close proximity to an infected person have very probably been exposed to a relevant concentration of aerosols, even while maintaining a greater distance (e.g. Until a negative test result is available, domestic quarantine must be observed. *Since no data were forwarded by the Saxon Analysis Institution (LUA) to the Robert Koch-Institute (RKI) for December 15th 2020, the currently published incidence by the RKI on December 15th 2020 does not reflect the true value. Kneipen und Restaurants (Außer-Haus-Verkauf ist möglich) bleiben ebenso zu wie Kinos, Kletterparks, Konzerthaus oder Fitnessstudios. „Wir möchten uns zeigen. Fast 300.000 Amerikaner an Covid19 gestorben Kurz vor Beginn der Impfungen nähert sich die Zahl der Corona-Toten in den USA der Marke von 300.000. Die neuen Regelungen des Lockdown im Überblick. Alle Entwicklungen finden Sie hier in unserem News-Ticker. Mit einer Geschenke-Aktion wollen Gastronomen auf ihre Lage aufmerksam machen und an die Auszahlung der Novemberhilfen erinnern. group singing or indoor sport), Persons who have spent more than 30 minutes with an infected person in a relatively confined space or in situations where it is difficult to distinguish individual contacts (e.g. Information on accepted file formats and on sending encrypted mails to the municipality can be found at The laboratory or doctor will report your positive test result to the Public Health Office. Quarantine is not imposed. If you are still displaying symptoms which are indicative of a Covid-19 infection, please consult the doctor responsible for your treatment after calling by telephone to arrange an appointment. Such persons should report their details to the Public Health Office by e-mail, as described above. Weitere Informationen unter, aller 412 Landkreise und kreisfreien Städte, Private Treffen sind auf den eigenen und einen weiteren Haushalt und max. The incidence rates calculated by the Robert Koch Institute are the designated basis for further decisions regarding contact restrictions, curfews or public gatherings, among others. Mit haben Sie die wichtigsten Fakten auf einen Blick. Für einen schnellen Überblick über COVID-19 Kennzahlen greifen wir auf offizielle Werte des Robert Koch Instituts zurück (siehe Datenquellen für weitere Informationen, alle Angaben ohne Gewähr). The test itself may be carried out at the earliest five days after entry. The incidence rate indicates the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants over a period of seven days. Ensure good airing of your home, especially your living rooms and bedrooms. bleiben geschlossen, Institutionen und Einrichtungen der Freizeitgestaltung, wie z.B. In Frankfurt gingen dennoch Menschen auf die Straße. Be sure to mention that you have been self-isolating in connection with Covid-19. Ab sofort soll jede neue Corona-Verordnung im Landtag diskutiert werden. Die genauen Maßnahmen beschloss das Kabinett am Freitagabend in Dresden in seiner neuen Corona-Schutzverordnung. According to the Saxon Coronavirus Protection Ordinance, the introduction of additional restrictions and the lifting of certain currently applicable rules are decisively dependent on whether the incidence rate has exceeded or fallen below a specified threshold on five consecutive days. Persons who have been without adequate protective equipment in a medical setting (at least surgical mouth/nose protection necessary, e.g. Am Montag sollen Hunderte schwarze Päckchen an Bundestagsabgeordnete überreicht werden. Die Corona-Krise war zu viel für ihn: „Ich habe bis heute nicht verarbeitet, was hier auf St. Pauli los ist. ... Das Online-Magazin Neustadt-Geflüster berichtet täglich frisch aus dem Kneipen- und Szene-Viertel Dresden-Neustadt. The results of a PCR test are generally returned within 24 hours, those of a PoC antigen test within 30 minutes. calculated by the Robert Koch Institute are the designated basis for further decisions regarding contact restrictions, curfews or public gatherings, among others. if a child is placed in quarantine or in case of voluntary quarantine). Infoportal CoronavirusFurther information issued by the Free State of Saxony (only available in German). Sachsen reaktiviert nun - wie schon im Frühjahr - die Rehakliniken. For that reason we forgo the presentation of the 7-day-incidence of the RKI on that day. Wegen schwerer Corona-Erkrankungen werden die Krankenhausbetten knapp. Avoid contact with others who are not members of your household. In Dresden (Sachsen) wurden bislang 12.138 COVID-19 Infektionen erfasst, bei 187 Todesfällen (Stand: 20. Insgesamt wurden seit Ausbruch der Pandemie in Dresden 425 Patienten stationär behandelt. The incidence rate indicates the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants over a period of seven days. Persons who themselves have tested positive and have been in quarantine within 90 days before the last contact with a person tested positive are not considered to be a Category I contact. Persons arriving or returning from risk areas who fall under the exceptions specified in § 3 (2) of the Saxon Coronavirus Quarantine Ordinance (SächsCoronaQuarVO) are exempted from both the quarantine and reporting/testing obligations. The required period of quarantine ends without further consultation with the Public Health Office: The quarantine period can be shortened by a negative PCR test. Assist the person who is self-isolating with their daily needs. Saxon Corona Protection Ordinance Here, you can find the texts of the currently applicable state government ordinances issued by the Free State of Saxony. Provide for good airing of all living rooms and bedrooms. Leaving your own home is only permitted for testing, urgent visits to a doctor or with the prior consent of the Public Health Office. Saar-MP Tobias Hans (CDU) gibt aber noch keine Entwarnung. Ein einstiger Hotspot verschärft jetzt schon die Quarantäne-Regeln. Kinder bis 14 Jahre), Einzelhandel bleibt weitestgehend geschlossen, An- und Versammlungen an Silvester und Neujahr sind verboten, ebenso der Verkauf von Pyrotechnik, Schulen und Kindertagesstätten werden geschlossen oder die Präsenzpflicht wird ausgesetzt, Verzehr von alkoholischen Getränken im öffentlichen Raum ist untersagt, Übernachtsungsangebote sind auf notwendige, nicht-touristische Zwecke beschränkt, Dienstleistungsbetriebe im Bereich der Körperpflege wie z.B. Platz. Keep a note of everything connected with your health, in case you need to provide details later. Am Freitag meldete der Kreis eine 7-Tages-Inzidenz von 711,33. Alternatively, you can make use of the central non-emergency on-call service (telephone: 116117). It must be kept for at least three weeks and submitted to the Public Health Office by E-Mail upon request. It is important that you observe all the applicable “quarantine rules”. If necessary, they must be kept separately until they can be sent for disposal in the normal manner. Die Zahl der Todesfälle im Zusammenhang mit einer Corona-Infektion liegt hier bei mehr als 24.100 (Stand: 17. The Public Health Office issues a group quarantine notice to the facility, which in turn serves as evidence for your employer. Theater, Kinos, Fitnessstudios, bleiben geschlossen, Veranstaltungen, die der Unterhaltung dienen, sind untersagt. Stay at home. school classes, study courses, group events). Trotzdem wollten Anhänger der "Querdenken"-Bewegung am Samstag in Dresden gegen die Corona … Oktober zeigte die Ampel auf Gelb, am 21. Eilanträge gegen das Verbot zweier „Querdenken“-Demonstrationen sind am Samstag vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht gescheitert. Testing is offered on a voluntary basis (to be paid for directly by the traveller) by general practitioners and specialist doctors, as well as by independent laboratories. If the source of possible infection has been traced to a community facility such as a school or child-care centre, you will be contacted by the director of that facility. Paper and cardboard waste, glass, electrical or electronic scrap and batteries, on the other hand, should still be segregated even in quarantine households. Packaging waste (“yellow sack”) and bio-waste should be placed in the same bin as your remaining non-recyclable waste for the time being. Use disposable tissues to catch nasal or throat secretions. In Deutschland ist die Zahl der Corona-Infektionen weiter hoch. If symptoms are noticed, consult your doctor after calling by telephone to arrange an appointment. The underlying data is available in the Open-Data-Portal of the state capital Dresden. Dies entspricht einer Infektionsrate von 2,18% sowie einer Todes- bzw. Hier finden Sie aktuelle COVID-19 Kennzahlen für Dresden (Sachsen) Letalitätsrate von 1,54%. Aktuell sind noch 30 Betten in Normalstationen und 19 Betten in Intensivstationen frei. … The Public Health Office is unable to issue medical certificates (“sick notes”) for presentation to an employer (e.g. Dirk jobbte in Kneipen, hielt sich irgendwie über Wasser. Use of the balcony, garden or terrace belonging to the flat is permitted. If possible, please use this. physiotherapists, staff in a doctor's surgery), for contacts without symptoms of infection: 14 days after the last contact with a person who has tested positive, for contacts with an infected person in their own household: 14 days after the start of infection of the infected person, insofar as you do not become ill yourself, for contacts who become ill during the period of quarantine: 10 days after the start of infection, provided you have then been free of symptoms for 48 hours. This may take several working days. The certificate is to kept available for possible presentation for 3 weeks after entry. Do not share any household items without washing or cleaning them between use in the usual manner. Die Corona-Ampel steht weiter bei zwei Indikatoren auf Rot: Mit 188,9 Fällen pro 100 000 Einwohner in sieben Tagen bleibt die kritische Marke von 50 Neuinfektionen weit überschritten. Damit gibt es in Sachsen 15.085 aktive Fälle. Das hat Folgen. A corona app screenshot is not sufficient. There are no obligations to provide personal travel details or have a test performed. Testing is performed by analysing a nasal or throat swab. Dezember 2020. Kneipen und Restaurants (Außer-Haus-Verkauf ist möglich) bleiben ebenso zu wie Kinos, Kletterparks, Konzerthaus oder Fitnessstudios. Corona hotline of the Dresden Public Health Office Telephone: 0351-4885322 Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fridays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (not on public holidays) E-mail address of the Public Health Office If you have had close contact in your private or professional life with a person who tested positive (index person) who reported you to the Public Health Office as a Category I contact person, you will receive written information. Avoid spending time together with the other members of your household or in jointly used rooms or confined spaces, wherever possible; where this is not possible, wear a mouth/nose covering and observe physical distancing rules. For people entering and returning from inner-German areas with an increased risk of infection (hotspots), there is no obligation to test, no obligation to report to the Public Health Office and no obligation to quarantine. If a passenger registration form was completed fully and properly and handed over to the transport carrier or a competent official at the time of entry, the obligation to report to the Public Health Office is deemed to have been met. Bezogen auf die meisten Neuinfektionen pro 100.000 Einwohner in der letzten Woche belegt Dresden den 38. If you develop symptoms yourself, first contact your general practitioner by phone and inform him/her about your contact with an infected person. Keep a distance of one to two metres to the person who is self-isolating, and only come closer where this is absolutely necessary. Use a separate bathroom, if possible, but at least your own towels, toiletries, etc. Potsdam, Bonn oder Dresden punkten in Corona-Zeiten Die Prioritäten vieler Menschen haben sich in der Corona-Krise verschoben. Keep a log to monitor your health status – write down any possible symptoms and take your temperature twice a day. Aktuell sind in Dresden 45 Intensiv-Betten frei. The medical certificate must be attached. Das Coronavirus breitet sich in Sachsen mit voller Wucht aus. Please draw up a list of your recent Category I contacts (starting from two days before the first symptoms appeared, or else from two days before your test if you have no symptoms). If you require medical assistance, call your doctor, the central non‑emergency hotline service (116117) or – in case of emergency – the ambulance service. The medical certificate must be based on a (PCR) test performed in a member state of the European Union or another state included in the list published by the Robert Koch Institute no more than 48 hours before entering or returning to the Federal Republic of Germany. Friseursalons und Massagepraxen bleiben geschlossen, Gastronomiebetriebe sowie Bars, Clubs, Kneipen o.ä. Die Corona-Krise in Deutschland: Knapp 16 000 Infizierte und 47 Tote (Freitagvormittag). The competent partner for matters relating to a loss of earnings is the State Directorate for Saxony (Landesdirektion Sachsen). Bis 18 Uhr verzeichneten die hiesigen Gesundheitsämter 1.592 Corona-Neuinfektionen. „Alle Weihnachtsmärkte fallen aus“, sagt die Schmuck-Designerin Dorit Schubert. The exception does not apply to returning holidaymakers if the foreign country is subject to a government travel warning. Aber die Vehemenz, mit der die Einhaltung der Corona-Regeln verweigert wird, ist in Sachsen besonders ausgeprägt. The Public Health Office does not carry out this PCR test. Platz im Vergleich der höchsten Infektionsraten aller 412 Landkreise und kreisfreien Städte. unterstützt UNICEF. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Vom 16. 5 Personen beschränkt (zzgl. For infected persons with relevant symptoms, the required period of quarantine ends ten days after the symptoms appear, provided you have been free of symptoms for at least 48 hours, your case is classified as a mild case and you thus did not require treatment with supplementary oxygen. Please refer to the sections “Behaviour in case of a positive test result”, “Behaviour as a suspected case” and “Behaviour as a Category I contact” for information on accepted forms of evidence. Helfen Sie mit einer kleinen Spende. Leistungen aus dem Bildungspaket und Arbeitslosengeld II zusammen beantragen (18.12.2020) Stadtrat beschließt Kulturentwicklungsplan bis 2030 (18.12.2020) Weihnachtsbäume kostenfrei entsorgen (17.12.2020) Ordnungsamt verschärft Corona-Kontrollen und kontrolliert in Zivil (16.12.2020)