The other estate was the Duchy of Atlixco, granted in 1708, by King Philip V to José Sarmiento de Valladares, former viceroy of New Spain and married to the Countess of Moctezuma, with civil and criminal jurisdiction over Atlixco, Tepeaca, Guachinango, Ixtepeji and Tula de Allende. Other Mexican towns in the region included Paso del Norte (present day Ciudad Juárez), founded in 1667; Santiago de la Monclova in 1689; Panzacola, Tejas in 1681; and San Francisco de Cuéllar (present day city of Chihuahua) in 1709. Das Leben an der nördlichen Seidenstraße steht im Mittelpunkt einer Fotoausstellung im Kulturwissenschaftlichen Zentrum (KWZ) der Universität Göttingen. [44] In 1704 viceroy Francisco Fernández de la Cueva suppressed a rebellion of Pima Indians in Nueva Vizcaya. The land grants and ranchos established mapping and land-ownership patterns that are still recognizable in present-day California and New Mexico. It was this status that barred the native population from the priesthood. Significant regional development grew along the main transportation route from the capital east to the port of Veracruz. Also available as App! Buddhismus in der Mongolei. "The Political and Institutional History of Colonial Spanish America", Other British colonial entities in the contemporary, Non-British colonial entities in the contemporary United States, This page was last edited on 27 March 2021, at 15:55. Antequera (now Oaxaca City) was a Spanish settlement founded in 1529, but the rest of Oaxaca consisted of indigenous towns. The capital of Viceroyalty of New Spain, Mexico City, was one of the principal centers of European cultural expansion in the Americas. The indigenous population was very large in comparison to the Spanish, and there were relatively few Africans. In practice this meant that there was a concerted effort to appoint mostly peninsulares, usually military men with long records of service (as opposed to the Habsburg preference for prelates), who were willing to move around the global empire. Dem Christentum war eine Verbreitung östlich Kleinasiens – abgesehen von wenigen Ausnahmen – erst mit dem Beginn des Sassaniden-Reiches im 3. [88] The crown calculated that tobacco could produce a steady stream of tax revenues by supplying the huge Mexican demand, so the crown limited zones of tobacco cultivation. [27][28] The importance of the Philippines to the Spanish empire can be seen by its creation as a separate Captaincy-General. This great resource continues the tradition of deep knowledge and authority relied upon by generations of scholars in religious, theological, and biblical studies. The South (Oaxaca, Michoacan, Yucatán, and Central America) was a region of dense indigenous settlement of Mesoamerica, but without exploitable resources of interest to Europeans, the area attracted few Europeans, while the indigenous presence remained strong. [131] There was three main Spanish settlements, the inland city of Mérida, where Spanish civil and religious officials had their headquarters and where the many Spaniards in the province lived. The villa of Campeche was the peninsula's port, the key gateway for the whole region. Miranda later ascribed this action on the part of Galvez to jealousy of Cajigal's success. Ambivalente Geschlechterkonstruktionen in Hindu-Traditionen, in: Höpflinger, Anna-Katharina u.a. Zürich 1957. Although New Spain produced considerable sugar and wheat, these were consumed exclusively in the colony even though there was demand elsewhere. über sie - das ist die vorherrschende Meinung, die durchaus vielfach zutrifft. The United States obtained Spanish Florida in 1819 in the Adams–Onís Treaty. Mit dem Aufmerksamkeitsgewinn, den das Thema Religion in der Öffentlichkeit seit einigen Jahren erfährt, kann auch die Religionssoziologie einen neuen Aufschwung verzeichnen. In addition to the Church's explicit political role, the Catholic faith became a central part of Spanish identity after the conquest of last Muslim kingdom in the peninsula, the Emirate of Granada, and the expulsion of all Jews who did not convert to Christianity. With such diversity they did not have a common ethnic identity or language and rapidly assimilated to Hispanic culture. Hundreds of thousands of native codices were burned, native priests and teachers were persecuted, and the temples and statues of the old gods were torn down. However, formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study. Accordingly, he resigned as governor in 1607 and left New Mexico, having spent much of his personal wealth on the enterprise. One region that retained strong Indian land holding was the southern fresh water area, with important suppliers of fresh produce to the capital. The tributes count the total founding population of Spanish-Philippines as 667,612 people,[22] of which: 20,000 were Chinese migrant traders,[23] at different times: around 16,500 individuals were Latino soldier-colonists who were cumulatively sent from Peru and Mexico and they were shipped to the Philippines annually,[24] 3,000 were Japanese residents,[25] and 600 were pure Spaniards from Europe,[26] there was also a large but unknown number of Indian Filipinos, the rest of the population were Malays and Negritos. vorherrschende Ideologie f. ... of public or private organisations which pursue directly and essentially the aim of ideological guidance in the field of religion or belief with respect to education, ... Westen und Ostasien zu fördern. Most of the census' original datasets have reportedly been lost; thus most of what is known about it nowadays comes from essays and field investigations made by academics who had access to the census data and used it as reference for their works, such as Prussian geographer Alexander von Humboldt. In Gert Naundorf et al., eds., Religion und Philosophie in Ostasien. The establishment of religious missions and military presidios on the northern frontier became the nucleus of Spanish settlement and the founding of Spanish towns. The difficult topography around the port affected local development and New Spain as a whole. Latest news and information from the World Bank and its development work in East Asia and Pacific. In Yucatán, Spanish rule was largely indirect, allowing these communities considerable political and cultural autonomy. [138] Production of cotton textiles, largely by Maya women, helped pay households' tribute obligations, but basic crops were the basis of the economy. Moreover, efforts were made to keep the Amerindian cultural aspects that did not violate the Catholic traditions. Die Feierlichkeiten beginnen neun Tage vor Weihnachten mit einer Masse, wie Misa de Gallo bekannt. The crown created the first mainland high court, or Audiencia, in 1527 to regain control of the administration of New Spain from Cortés, who as the premier conqueror of the Aztec empire, was ruling in the name of the king but without crown oversight or control. The Spanish Bourbons monarchs' prime innovation introduction of intendancies, an institution emulating that of Bourbon France. In 1716–17 viceroy of New Spain organized a sufficient ships to expel the foreigners, where the crown subsequently built a fortress at Isla del Carmen. The War of Jenkins' Ear broke out in 1739 between the Spanish and British and was confined to the Caribbean and Georgia. In den letzten Jahrzehnten gibt es ein Wiedererwachen von Religion in der Mongolei. Während der Sowjetunion war den Kasachen die Ausübung ihrer Religion verboten, zahlreiche Moscheen wurden geschlossen oder sogar als Ställe oder Vorratslager benutzt. [114] The credit-based employment system often privileged those holding higher ranked positions on the estate (supervisors, craftsmen, other specialists) who were mostly white, and the estates did not demand repayment. The at times, non-profitable war-torn Philippine colony survived on an annual subsidy paid by the Spanish Crown and often procured from taxes and profits accumulated by the Viceroyalty of New Spain (Mexico) mainly paid by annually sending 75 tons of precious Silver Bullion[37] gathered from and mined from Potosi, Bolivia where hundreds of thousands of Incan lives were regularly lost while being enslaved to the Mit'a system. The First Audiencia was headed by Hernán Cortés's rival Nuño de Guzmán, who used the court to deprive Cortés of power and property. Festschrift fûr Hans Steininger zum 65. There was a high court Audiencia in the Kingdom of Guatemala. editor = "Hans Joas and Klaus Wiegandt". @inbook{5eda51f5f9f9413396751352931d9282. Officially created on 18 August 1521 as the Kingdom of New Spain (Spanish: reino), it later became the first of four viceroyalties Spain created in the Americas. Then, in 1767, King Charles III ordered all Jesuits expelled from all Spanish possessions, including New Spain. Given the region's distance from major centers of power in New Spain and Spain itself, local strongmen in the early were only nominally subject to royal authority. In 1602, Sebastián Vizcaíno, the first Spanish presence in the 'New California' (Nueva California) region of the frontier Las Californias province since Cabrillo in 1542, sailed as far north up the Pacific Coast as present-day Oregon, and named California coastal features from San Diego to as far north as the Bay of Monterrey. He also founded the Spanish settlement of San Gabriel de Yungue-Ouinge on the Rio Grande near the Native American Pueblo, located just north of the present day city of Española, New Mexico. A Shinto priest explains the ancient Japanese religion – and the crucial, often forgotten role women played in keeping it alive after World War II. Indigo, like cacao, was native to the region, and the indigenous peoples gathered wild indigo, used for dying cloth and as a trade good. With dates of creation: As part of the sweeping eighteenth-century administrative and economic changes known as the Bourbon Reforms, the Spanish crown created new administrative units called intendancies. It was the seat of the Viceroyalty of New Spain, the Archdiocese of the Catholic Church, the Holy Office of the Inquisition, the merchants' guild (consulado), and home of the most elite families in the Kingdom of New Spain. After a number of years of drought and bad harvests in the first decade of the nineteenth century Hidalgo's 1810 grito appealed more in the Bajío than in San Luis Potosí. Die religiöse Lage in Ostasien. [1] ELIADE, Mircae: Schamanismus und archaische Ekstasetechnik. [132] Although that period was once characterized as New Spain's "century of depression," for Yucatán this was certainly not the case, with sustained growth from the early seventeenth century to the end of the colonial period. Der Buddhismus war die vorherrschende Religion vor der sozialistischen Zeit. It was abandoned, partially finished, in 1792. Cacao boomed in the late sixteenth century, and then was displaced by indigo as the most important export product. For example, after a period of experimentation in which an independent intendant was assigned to Mexico City, the office was thereafter given to the same person who simultaneously held the post of viceroy. Quezon City: The University of the Philippines Press, 2007. April 7, 2021. Its personnel, livestock, cannons, and ammunition were transferred to Nuca.[56]. [136] The largest population in the province was indigenous Maya, who lived in their communities, but which were in contact with the Hispanic sphere via labor demands and commerce.[137].