Bitte vereinbaren Sie für die Sprechstunde einen Termin mit Frau Müller. Attach an expression of the reply as a binding commitment by the partner university to your application documents and send it to 5. D-79085 Freiburg Articles in refereed journals You can apply by handing in the following documents at the chair's secretary ((Rempartstraße 16 Raum 03012, due to Corona-crisis currently digital to: AT You will receive an answer soon after the respective deadline. Evidence from Russian Regions IEP Discussion Paper Series No. BWL PNPM und M.Sc. ): Jenseits von Corona. Feel free to write a mail to dominik.schroeder (at) Target Group and Language This course is designed for first-year students of the M.Sc. 170 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2795327BA9BD32DE21DB945D0472511D><0F6DCA17BC924B469C4C1195F36DEF69>]/Index[151 32]/Info 150 0 R/Length 102/Prev 886132/Root 152 0 R/Size 183/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream %%EOF %PDF-1.6 %���� Contact: Mr. Christoph Güttner Vorlesungsverzeichnis; Sonstige Publikationen Jahre: 2017 | 2013 | zurück zur Übersicht aller Publikationen 2017. Economics program (economics and politics), the M.Sc. Account Name. Labor Economics Using R (Lecture, Master). Phone: 0761/ 203-2350 Fax: 0761/ 203-2414 Room 2425. h�bbd```b``��N ��D�\��@��$�TZ&/�H�z�W� $�kAl�V�f6-��=�L-��� Land Research Group: Institutions, Conflicts, Property Rights (ICP-L), Basic Income and the Euro-Dividend as Sociopolitical Pillars of the EU and its Member Countries, Europe's crisis: The conflict-theoretic perspective, Competition between Conflict and Coopertion, 24th International Climate Policy Ph.D. Workshop, Post-Crisis Fiscal Consolidation Strategies, Economics, Political Economy and Psychology of Public Reforms in Europe, Session of the Section "Economics and Ethics" of the German Association of Economists (VfS), Seminar "Social Contract Lab" WiTe 2010/11, Rules for the conduction of exams due to corona, Application at the Chair for Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory. Fax 0761 / 203-2414. Faculty of Economics and Behavioural Sciences. Warum Freiburg als Studienort wählen? 151 0 obj <> endobj Contact Information . Chair of Economic Theory. The "Universitätszentrum" are the university buildings in the city center of Freiburg. E-Mail . Common searches. Nikita Zakharov, M.A. Bewerbung und Zulassung; Finanzen, Wohnen, Soziales und mehr; Wegweiser für StudienanfängerInnen im Bachelor; Wegweiser für StudienanfängerInnen des M.Sc. Master of Science (M.Sc.) Telefon: 0761 203-2342; E-Mail: Raum: 04-024 Sprechstunde: Mittwoch, 15.00 – 16.00 Uhr Sprechstunde via Zoom. 0 39, University of Freiburg, 2020 Kontakt Institute for Economic Research. - You will be notified by e-mail that you have registered online upon receipt of your application. Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich an Zakharov, Nikita Does Corruption Hinder Investment? Various possibilities for further studies (Master and Ph.D.) Good or very good career prospects and chances of promotion; Practical training which directly applies, for example, at a dual college/university (combination studies/business), or at a (specialist) University 03012, due to Corona-crisis currently digital to: Götz Werner Chair (GWP) of Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory, the letter of motivation (see application form), and. However, you must still apply online during the application period. Chair of Economic Theory. Welcome to CommuniGate Pro. Der Vorlesungsbeginn wurde im WS 20/21 coronabedingt auf den 2. → mail: Student Assistant: Alexandra Kromer. New Book: Kortmann, Bernd & Günther G. Schulze (ed. 33, University of Freiburg, 2017; 2013 For questions, please contact Ms. Rusu at nicoleta.rusu[at]vwl.uni-freiburg… Platz der Alten Synagoge. Bildungswissenschaft - Lehren und Lernen Master of Arts (M.A.) Exam withdrawal due to illness for Bachelor of Science and Master of Science students. Presentation examination rules intake 2018. Exchange students are equally welcome to participate. Telephone 0761 / 203-2342. D-79085 Freiburg Room: 2507. Workshop on Scientific Writing (Tutorial, Master). Password. Office Address: MEP Coordination. Economics program (economics and politics), the M.Sc. Master theses (Abschlussarbeiten) at the Chair of Economic Policy, especially Competition Economics ... 2 (a)CV (clearly indicating the program and major field of study and student ID) (b)Up-to-date academic record (grade transcripts) → mail: Student Assistant: Andra Volintiru 29.04.2019 International Programs Office –Department of Economics –University of Freiburg 3 Platz der Alten Synagoge. The Department of Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory offers the opportunity to write your Master or Bachelor Thesis in the following fields: Own suggestions for topics are welcome. Before applying, applicants should have completed the courses of the chair which are relevant for their intended master thesis. New Condition: Each student has to present his thesis at least once in the "Ordnungspolitisches Kolloquium". Note: For urgent situations (Visa issues, scholarships, etc), send your application to this email: . Häufig gesucht. 79085 Freiburg. Feel free to write a mail to marcel.franke (AT) Target Group and Language This elective course is designated for students of the M.Sc. BWL program, and Diplom-Students ( Hauptstudium ). in English Language and Linguistics focuses on the structure, use and VWL program, and Diplom-Students (Hauptstudium). Prof. Dr. Oliver Landmann. In particular, successful participation in one of our seminars is an asset for your application. Our institute is situated in the "Universitätszentrum" in Kollegiengebäude (KG) II. Consultation Hours: (All office hours have been cancelled due to the covid19 pandemic) Mailing Address: University of Freiburg. Educational Science * Master of Arts (M.A.) Biochemistry and Biophysics ... Sedanstraße 6 79098 Freiburg Lageplan Barrierefreiheit Treppenlift für Traglasten bis 225 kg. This is a necessary condition but won't be graded. Prof. Dr. Günther Schulze Kontakt. h�b```a``r�a%B cb��R���[Mܿ���2��݁)8z�10���y"��`���I�FF������ԩi�a�iҚ�rV�sܴhí���Ql�����N=a&��V. Advanced Macroeconomics II Information: Due to Prof. Schulze's research semester, Advanced Macroeconomics II will be taught by Dr. Hillebrand. 17.10.2017 International Programs Office –Department of Economics –University of Freiburg 3 ... Master of Science = graduate → both English or German Integrated Master Program = graduate ... Sedanstraße 6 79098 Freiburg Map Accessibility Stairlift up to 225 kg. Das kostenlose Angebot bietet darüber hinaus Interviews mit Freiburger Studierenden, Selbsttests zu Interessen und Erwartungen und Beispielaufgaben aus der Studieneingangsphase. Chair of Economic Theory. Room: 2507. 4. �o�&��j`5�d�@Cҿ G;E VWL program, and Diplom-Students ( Hauptstudium ). VWL gibt Ihnen eine realistische Vorschau auf Inhalte, Arbeitsabläufe und Anforderungen des VWL-Bachelor-Studiums an der Uni Freiburg. In addition, you will receive the necessary forms and information on how to … Office Hours: by appointment E-mail: 1. E-mail mep dum dummy my @vwl.uni-du dummy mmy D-79085 Freiburg Phone: 0761/ 203-2342 Fax: 0761/ 203-2414 Room 2513. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology * Master of Science (M.Sc ... (VWL) Master of Science (M.Sc.) Judith Müller. How to find the institute? The Master's programme in International Economic Policy is an internationally oriented programme which aims at preparing students for applying rigorous theoretical and empirical economic analysis to a wide range of issues relevant for business and public policy. We are looking for two student assistants with a Bachelor's degree in the Department ′′ Mathematics and Microeconomics ′′ on 1.2.2020 The employment is initially for three months and with 25 hours per month. Master of Science (M.Sc.) Please mind the requirements of the examination rules and examination office for Bachelor and Master theses! VWL program, the M.Sc. Remark: Please put your form in our mailbox either without an envelope or into an unlabeled one.. For questions concerning the procedures of the Program please send your queries to the address: Examination Rules Summary of the most important examination rules: Presentation examination rules intake 2019. 5. BWL PNPM, M.Sc. Based on the state of the art in contemporary linguistic theory, the M.A. Economics program (economics and politics), the M.Sc. The Unified Communications Server! Unsere Welt nach der Pandemie – Perspektiven aus der Wissenschaft. endstream endobj startxref After checking the documents, we will offer you an exchange place. Kontakt Institute for Economic Research. Master of Science in Economics; Infoveranstaltung für Fortgeschrittene 2018-1.pdf; Studieninteressierte. After checking the documents, we will offer you an exchange place. They have to fit to the above fields. Prof. Dr. Oliver Landmann. November 2020 verschoben. Currently only reachable per e-mail. Platz der Alten Synagoge. You can apply by handing in the following documents at the chair's secretary ((Rempartstraße 16 Raum 03012, due to Corona-crisis currently digital to: AT the application form, the letter of motivation (see application form), and; the transcript of your records. Prof. Dr. Oliver Landmann. Please consider our hints for scientific work. English Language and Linguistics [M.A.] D - 79098 Freiburg. This course is designated for first-year students of the M.Sc. Office hours: Tuesday - Thursday, 10 - 12 am Andreas, Kammerlander, Schulze, Günther G. Political-Economic Correlates of Environmental Policy IEP Discussion Paper Series No. Room: 2507. Attach an expression of the reply as a binding commitment by the partner university to your application documents and send it to 182 0 obj <>stream Kontakt Institute for Economic Research. Der Online Studienwahl Assistent (OSA) für den B.Sc. University of Freiburg Institute of International Economic Policy Platz der Alten Synagoge 1 79085 Freiburg (Germany) Phone: 0049 (0) 761 / 203-2346 Fax: 0049 (0) 761 / 203-2414 Email: Education 2008–present Doctoral candidate in Economics, University of Freiburg Keeping Freiburg close to the hearts of our alumni and helping our alumni to keep in contact ... suggestions, or ideas, you have the choice of getting in touch with the executive coordinator ( or with the contact person from your generation (see list below). Layout VWL".Studienziele und Studieninhalte Bitte beachten Sie immer auch die aktuellen Hinweise der Uni Freiburg zum Thema Studium und Lehre.Erstsemester finden hilfreiche Informationen in unserem "Wegweiser für StudienanfängerInnen des M.Sc. If you are not able to attend an exam due to illness and you want to avoid failing your exam (grade 5.0) it is important to submit a written request for approval to withdrawal from the exam. Sonstige Publikationen Jahre: 2020 | zurück zur Übersicht aller Publikationen 2020. VWL & M.Ed.